Life could be Clichè....

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Pic as Clark (The Alpha)

[Kyle's P.O.V.]

So, he left huh. He sure took his sweet time. I had an inclination toward his next move but I had expected him to leave a lot sooner. Leave us. Leave the pack. Leave Me. Running away from things as he has always done.

I have been sitting in my room lately doing nothing except gazing at the falling leaves outside from my window. My body is unable to assist in any other task except trying to keep me alive and the pack members don't want to do anything with me at the moment.

Though this loneliness has made me realize a lot of things.
First, winters are here and it's going to snow. It gets quite chilly here even in summers so imagine what a pain in the ass winter is. And what pain will Christmas be with all these theatrics going on? Given I am still breathing by that time.

Second, funnily enough, I do feel like that Bella chick from that stupid vampire movie. It's the same as in that film. Circumstances are somewhat the same too. I made a mistake just like she did when she accidentally cut her finger and in both our cases things were not in our control. The result was the love of her life leaving her alone to deal with her own problems just like mine did. He ran away and left me to drown myself in my own sorrows.

Though I can't blame him. I... I don't... it's just--- he could have stayed. He could have fought for me, fought against me.

I am a brat and he knows that, I always was but then he was reasonable, always has been. He shouldn't have left like that dammit! Not only did he leave he also broke the bond between us.
I... He hates me.
I guess he really didn't like me after all. I mean who would after-

My eyes sting as the moistness made my vision blurry.

Who am I kidding...?
No one will like me after what I've done to him and he has already gone through so much.

The void in me keeps getting bigger and bigger and I don't know how long I can hold. For the past week, I have been tricking myself to think of any reasonable explanation that can reduce my pain, and console me that my intention of rejecting him was valid. The whole purpose of this drama was to save him from me and make him feel happy without me in his life anymore.

So, why... why am I tearing up? Why am I feeling pain? Why I am not happy? Don't they say you gotta free the person you love? Doesn't the happiness of the person you love matter more? Then why am I not satisfied?

How cliché life could be? Seeing the troubles in other's life you always think that you will never have a complicated soap opera-type life drama but there comes a point when you realize that you have always lived that life till now and it's just the climax is not here yet.

I straightened myself wincing from the slight pain in the upper left part of my chest. At least it's not as terrible as last night.

I don't know what happened or how it happened but during my run in the forest to let my wolf out and stay away from pesky mutts this sudden unbearable pain hit me from somewhere and black appeared before my eyes. The last thing I felt was the pain from plummeting into the dirt.

The next day when I regained consciousness I was lying naked near the pack-house. My body was more than just injured as huge gashes on my chest hurt like a bitch and since they didn't heal themselves it meant I have inflicted them upon myself. There was some bone fracture that should have healed on its own but didn't.

Thankfully, Dad took pity on my perishing self and let the pack medical team treat me. His exact words were "I can't let you die yet, there is still a lot for you to go through."

Guess he was talking about the pain of rejection but who I am to complain about this. It's my own doing. Even after I know that what he did was right and I deserve it all yet still a part of me, in the corner of my heart that hasn't become of steel yet kept saying he should have stayed. He should have fought me and run me to the ground. Maybe that is what I am waiting for, maybe this time it was his turn.

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