Rejection Accepted...

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[Before reading this story please visit chapter "Read it Carefully"
And read it.
Only then start this story.]

Staring at the large building filled with wolves, jumping and dancing to the senseless music, I could sense the vibrations of their movements all the way to the outside. Taking a deep breath I had to calm my mind and nerves from going haywire.

All sorts of disgusting scents triggered my senses to assault my brain but among all of them, there was one. Similar to everyone in my species and yet distinct in ways words can't describe. I had to steel my resolve, I had to restrain the spirit in me from jumping out and barging in there like a rabid dog.

'Hurry!' 'Hurry'

So impatient. It's now or never. 

Taking large strides I kept closing into the pull and our eyes met the moment I entered the birthday party or... our birthday party.

A sudden surge of heat took over me as a hollow void formed in my stomach. I could feel the effects of gravity tenfold as dread filled me and my steps unsurprisingly became heavy.

'Other Half'

'I know,'  I communicated to my wolf.

Taking notice of my presence everyone turned from whomever they were busy with to congratulate me.

"Thank you," I said in return with a nod and a smile.

We kept eye contact as he moved backwards slowly and steadily with my own feet following and matching his pace until he exited the party hall. I was right after him, my heart pounding and nerves tightening. I could feel it, all the emotions, hormones, possibilities, hopes, dreams, pain, and dread, all coming at me at once.

This is it, the moment of decision after years of contemplation and everything good and bad, this is finally it.

He came to a stop in the dimly lit courtyard of Alpha quarters compared to the rest of the house knowing no one will be around, he stood in the middle with his back turned to me and I was edging to see his face, to know what he is thinking, to know what will be the decision.

"I, Kyle Evans reject you, Andrew Clauss as my mate, my other half, and the chosen one."

And suddenly everything came to a still, the heart, the nerves, the mind, everything.

The pain erupted somewhere in my abdomen making me stumble back a few steps, it made me gasp as the air seem to shorten around me.

I looked at him with my vision blurring as darkness begins to seep around the corner of my eyes.  He must have heard the shuffling of my steps as his head turned sideways slightly.

"Why...why am I not surprised? Something's ...never change,"

I had to take a deep breath to say my next words.

"Rejection Accepted. I, Andrew Clauss accept your rejection and from this moment onwards cease to be your chosen one, other half, and the soul mate."

A loud boom seemed to go off around us or at least that's what it sounded like to me and I knew from that moment our fates have been sealed till the mercy of the goddess lives in us.

Rejected 1: Fall For The Rise(boyxboy)✔*New Edition*Where stories live. Discover now