Hello! California

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Pic as Kyle Evans.

San Diego

[Andrew P.O.V]

With the landing of the plane, a sigh of relief escaped my lips. My shoulders relaxed naturally and I felt like I could laugh, cry, sleep and run with joy at the same time. One reason you know already and another one is that well I am not very fond of heights or flying.

I stood up and grabbed my luggage as I joined the line moving toward the gate. While the hostess was smiling at every person walking by her gaze turn into a glare seeing me, I gave her a sheepish look at that and when crossing her I mumbled a small sorry in return for all trouble I have caused her. The people pushing me from the back to move forward didn't allow me long enough of a chance to talk to her though.

I mean I did give her quite some trouble, guilty.

Walking further into the port my eyes searched for the person coming to receive me. I didn't see anyone for a minute or two until the crowd cleared a little bit and my eyes fell on a board slowly rising with my name written on it. I shifted my head right and left to get a proper vision of the person when he came in the front pushing other people aside with a big smile on his face.

A huge smile formed on my lips as I walked toward him with long steps "Grandpa!" I yelled with joy. Some people around me gave me amused looks but I ignored them. Almost running to him I hugged him with both hands as tightly as I could or as far as I could wrap around that round tummy.

Almost sounding like Santa Clauss he laughed heartily as he embraced me back with equal warmth.

'Who knows maybe he is, I mean look at that roundness'

'Shut up Gracia'

Detaching myself from him I looked into his eyes twinkling with merriness.

"How are you doing son? I haven't seen you for so long that I have almost begun to forget you. The last time we talked you were 16 or something." He smiled at me making a gesture with his hand.

Unfortunately, due to safety and political reasons pack members aren't allowed to interact with their human relatives as often.
In many ways, human relatives create a weak link to supernaturals and they can easily be exploited for nefarious reasons or motives.
The last time we met was on my 16 birthday when Grandpa, Uncle John, and Aunt Beth came to visit me.
I couldn't help but laugh at his words "I am as good as I can be Grandpa and yes I missed you all so much."

"We missed you too. And honestly, I was thinking of contacting you in the upcoming days. But imagine our surprise when you said you are coming to live with us." I could tell from his tone that the surprise element hasn't left yet.
And it is all just considering the strict rules. Mother never got the chance to meet grandpa and her siblings after she moved in with the pack and even I only met them twice in person.

Most of our contact was done by texts and emails and that was also infrequently.
It was hard for me and my family both but there wasn't anything that could be done.

"But now I am here so no missing anymore."

"Good, now we can spend some quality time together and make up for all these years. Talking on just the phone is not enough."

"It sure isn't. Btw, where are the others?" I asked in hope that my uncle and aunt would come with him.

"Oh, John has taken his day off and is waiting outside in the car since he couldn't find a parking spot and your dear aunt is cooking your favorite food at home." I am sure my eyes twinkled hearing of my favorite dishes. It's been a while since I've tasted them at least not since I met aunt last time. And it's not like I can't make it on my own but aunt is the best cook there is and no matter what magic I use, I just couldn't bring out the flavors like her.

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