the twin

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"So you already find your partners, right" At this question a loud cry of yes can be hear. All the students again standing in the hall. They get gather for the next to do.

All the students have been looking excited for this mixing, can be say to the almost but not for the two whom have been try to not look at each other. If mistakenly their eyes caught each other then they just look away with so much for second glance. At the speech continue for another hour.

The principle announced something makes jen and jim to look at their sides, that's when they found that the unfamiliar faces are someone being called on stage, they find again them looking at each other as the seat get vacant by them that was blocking their vision, at Mr. Kwon voice their attention got on the stage.

Both the new comer stand side by side, looking at the audience as the principal address them.

"Students, I like to inform you that we shall be having this iconic twin as our students for their last year here in this academy, the kims, Kim seokjin and kim jisoo" As he said that all student clap, some of them cheer loudly as if they know them already. Jen eyes get wide as she look both of them. Jin look at her with a smile and finding out like this he wink back at her.

Jisoo smiles wide and wave her hand as the boys look at her goddess looks.

Jimin looks around him then he looks at jen who have this confused look. He finds that jin wink at her and that makes him made. But he promises himself not show anything.

As the other get in their seats back, jisoo stare at jimin. He was good at first talking as they share their taste in music same, he already have things as what will they do for annual event as they voices have contradiction.

She ask after some time "jimin are you nervous to talking with me".

He looks at her worried experssion then find courage and simply reply with shack of his head, they listen to the teachers quietly.

Here jen has been eyeing them and as they look at the front her eyes collied with jin who has a cocky smirk. She is really annoyed by him. Now it has been jimin who has annoy her but he doesn't even look at her like they are just like before and it makes her sad in a way.

Jin observe her fully and say  finally "you like the guy who has partner with my sister"
Jen held her breathe, why her heart beating fast as this question. She always defend herself as her friends ask her but this guy is really having nerve to point the obvious. Yes, she like him but in past, not now.

"You mister, has been messing with me for some time, just because we have to perform with each other , you can't say anything you want " She fired it but he just smile at that.

As the day goes on all of them seat down , jen was about to sit down with her friends but jin held her hands and take her where jim and jisoo have been.

The friends understand as no one come after her. Jen sigh and seat down with a loud thump making jimin jump on his seat, jisoo was taking something from the front and jin also was there. So only the both of was alone sitting there.

Jimin looks at Jen as she doesn't have any food, he looks at his then make it half ans slide it in front of her.

Jen was looking at her nails but as she pike a glance to him, doing something with his food. She doesn't eat much as habit of minimum apatite.

As the food get slide by him, she looks at him with question but he just look down , not saying anything. First time finding herself to much hungry that she started to eat still looking at him.

As he hear her eating, he still looks down but with a smile this time.

With first bite, jen eyes get wide and she can't help but ask him "you made this right"

Jimin quickly look at her as she ask him, his face have a bright shade of pink but he nod.

Jen whole face light up with happiness she enjoy her sandwich that make jimin happy too. He remember her as she always prise him for his meals before but he thought that she forget it. He was wrong as she figure him making that.

Jen looks back at him and then hesitantly she said "ahm ... Thanks for the food"

Jimin already finish his and he smile big at her saying "it's ok, you can have it any time"

At his response, Jen feels angry with herself and say "I am sorry for what I said before , jim"

Jimin heart beats fast, he can't help but held her hand that make Jen shock but as his words she relax "I am sorry for behaving rude to you, can we, can we good again with each other"

She nod and as she was about to say but interrupt by a cough, both of them look up find the twin have a teasing smile on their faces.

"We are sorry  for disturbance but can we introduce with each other first, I am jisoo " The girl bring her hand, Jen not want to shake it because her hand held with jimin. But he let her with a smile. Shaking it she says with not much joy "jennie kim" Jim give her a frown then as he looks closely he find it, Jen having problem as jisoo seat beside him.

He chuckle inward but that stop as jin seat beside her. His sulk get notice as the guy wave his hand say "what up dude, I am jin"

He can't help himself again and ask it "Aladdin's jin " At his question he heard the other laugh with him looking serious, jin also look amused and say in happy tone "oh, you think you are funny but you have no match with me".

Jim looks dead serious and say with confidence as he say " Park jimin and you have no match with me "at this he give Jen a glance who give a thumbs up for his tone, he heart blossom with happiness.

Jisoo and jin look at each other and shake their head as if they just share something secretive..

Born pink release, any thoughts
This update is special  for the new characters, as others will contain the days
Stay tune and thank you so much for all your support 😇😇

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