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Her eyes traced up and down, trying to find any sort of lie. She even sniffed the air a few times. Nothing unusual.

He's not joking...

"Seriously? A game? Who do they take me for? A child?"

"Look at you, getting all prideful,"

"Don't start with me, fairy,"

"Very well, lizard,"

"Who the hell are you calling a lizard?"

"Obviously, you're the only reptile in this room,"

"Are you looking for a fight, midget?"

"As if you can lay a hand on the dark spirit,"

"I'll show you what the king of dragons can do,"

Let's not fight.



Yoshiko held Noelle's hand out of affections cause she can. Then she snuggled into the royal's shoulder causing Noelle to blush.

"W-What are you doing?! I'm royalty!" Noelle shouted but was internally fangirling because the hybrid looked so cute.

'Ah! She's so cute!'

"If you want the magic stone, how about playing a game for it?" The high priest said.

Then he went closer to Vanessa, Noelle and Yoshiko and wiggled his fingers in the air.

"It's a chest-squeezing game!" He said.

Noelle handed Yoshiko to Vanessa before punching the priest.

'No one is playing that,'

"Hey! You can't punch the high priest!" Asta shouted to Noelle who was repeatedly kicking the said person.

"So what? I'm royalty," she said, dismissing the boy.

"I was kidding. Just kidding," the priest said rubbing his punched cheek.

"I'll show you in this world that there are some people you must not joke with," Noelle threatened.

"Hey gramps! We don't have time to dink around with you!" Magna said. "And how do you know about the stone anyway!"

"Haw, haw! I've got pretty good eyes! What'll you do? You want that stone don't you?" The priest asked.

"What to do? Send him flying a steal it?" Magna asked Luck and Gauche.

"Sounds fast, I like it. Want to kill him?" Gauche asked, replying to Magna's suggestion.

"Great! That old guy looks like he has a ton of magic! I bet he'll be fun to fight~!" Luck sang.

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