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YOSHIKO FLEW THE snow wyvern as quickly as possible. Asta held onto her with Ryuko staring at the palace.

I feel weird. Yoshiko thought. It's that same feeling when the portal was formed...

"Let's go into the Shadow Palace!" Asta shouted only to be hit on the head by Ryuko.

"Asta, shut up for two damn seconds. You're going to rupture my ears," he said.

"Ow! Sorry..." Asta said, rubbing the spot.

The group entered the portal. Yoshiko noticed her wyvern dissolving. Eventually, the creature disappeared leaving her, Ryuko and Asta floating in the area. The same happened for the other two rides except Salamander who got smaller.


Everyone floated in the place, going deeper into the palace. Yoshiko noticed the strange lights and her eyes widened.

Are those... souls...?

"Is this an anti-intruder trap?" Fuegoleon asked.

"Fuahahaha! It's filled with strange mana!" Mereoleona laughed.

"I can't control my magic here!" Mimosa exclaimed.

"Feels weird," Yoshiko said, placing her hand over her chest.

"It feels like Fana is using her weird third eye thing," Ryuko muttered.

"I does," Yoshiko said, agreeing with him.

"The Shadow Palace... according to the legends, its the border between this world and the afterlife," Nozel told them.

"What?! Does that mean we're gonna die?!" Asta shouted.

"Don't go saying stupid stuff like that! Asta, you idiot!" Noelle shouted.

"No one is going to die... So long as you make it out alive," Rin said, trying to calm Asta down but it only made it worse.

"What if this thing kills us?!" He shouted.

"Great job, now he won't stop screaming," Hikaru deadpanned.


As they went deeper into the palace, Asta screamed more. He only stopped after Yoshiko hit him on the head.

"Asta... shut up," she said, giving him a serious stare.

Asta immediately squeezed his lips shut.

"Good job," Ryuko told her.

Finally entering the palace, Yoshiko noticed she was separated from everyone else. She landed on the ground gently with Rin next to her.

"Where is..." Yoshiko asked.

"We've been most likely separated from everyone else," Rin explained. "It's a good thing the three of are together though,"

"Yeah," Yoshiko nodded.

"The Shadow Palace is the palace that separates the living from the dead. Souls who have perished go through here before reaching the afterlife," Asgorath explained, summoning himself. "There also are rumours of great treasure but that isn't important,"

"Really?" Yoshiko asked.

"Have you ever been to the Shadow Palace before, Asgorath?" Rin asked.

"No," Asgorath said.

"Someone... is here," Yoshiko said as she heard footsteps.

Turning her head to the side, she was met with the Captain of the Silver Eagles. He was also a little shocked to see her but the shock quickly died down.

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