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YAMI IMMEDIATELY got to the base and shouted out to Finral.

"Finral! Portal to the capital now!" He ordered. 'I should've never let the brat go on her own!'

"Huh?! S-Sure but why?" Finral asked, opening one up.

"That bastard leader took the brat," Yami said, jumping in. "Get the others and let 'em know. We're about to deal with somethin' big,"

"What? Yoshiko got kidnapped?!" Finral asked the portal closed. 'I knew they were after her but they actually succeeded?!'


YAMI RAN TO the castle. It was a rare sight to see for many but no one questioned it. They minded their own business, not knowing what major thing had transpired.

He reached the castle and instantly darted for Hiruko's office. His office was kept hidden from majority of the people due to him being a dragon. Only a select few knew where it was including him.

He reached the office and slammed the door open without knocking. Inside was Hiruko, Nozel and Charlotte, discussing something. Hiruko looked like he was going to give Yami a teasing look but when he saw his face, Hiruko got serious.

"Yami? What's wrong?" Hiruko asked, getting up from his seat.

"It's the brat. She's been taken," Yami said.

Hiruko's eyes widened along with Nozel's and Charlotte's.

"Yoshiko was kidnapped?" He asked to confirm. "What was she doing?"

"The brat wanted to train with her magic so she left on her own to train. The kid usually goes with her but she wanted to be alone for some reason. And because of that, she was taken when no one was watching,"

"You were there," Hiruko said flatly.

"The brat was out for a while and the squad was out so I had to look for her myself. When I got there, she was passed out in the creep's arms,"

Hiruko finally looked at what was in Yami's hand. It was a Black Bulls' robe. Yoshiko's Black Bulls' robe. He was clenching the robe, concealing his anger.

"What should we do now?" Charlotte asked.

"...we need to continue the Royal Knights exams," Hiruko said.

"Hah?! But the brat's been taken! You seriously still wanna do the exams?!" Yami asked.

"We know where the main base is. That's where the leader is. Considering how obsessed he is of her, he's going to keep her with him. We need the best knights in order to defeat them and get my daughter back. Do you get what I'm saying, Yami?"

"Yeah, I get ya," Yami said. "I'll go let the others know,"

"So you're gonna be an errand boy, now?" Hiruko teased.

"Ah, shut up, old man!" Yami shouted.

"Hey, I'm only 49, that's young for a dragon,"

"For a human you're close to your senior!"

"But I'm a dragon so it doesn't apply to me,"

"Fuck off!"

And with that, Yami slammed the door shut. Hiruko's smirk instantly vanished and he turned to the two captains. His face was serious and cold, the captains almost flinched at his look.

"You guys should go as well. You don't need to tell anyone, Yoshiko isn't that close with a lot of people. Ryuko and Yuno are probably the only ones she's actually close with. And I'll go tell them,"

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