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YOSHIKO GOT UP from the ground where her suitcase was. She sighed and wiped the sweat off her forehead. After three days, she had finally finished packing and was ready to go to the Dragon Tribe.

"Done already?" Vanessa asked, appearing by her room's door. "I thought I'd help but seems like you're already done,"

Yoshiko didn't have much to begin with. She had a few shirts, pants and undergarments that she packed. She also packed Noelle's stuffy, gifts she had received from her friends and family and a few sketchbooks and art supplies.

"Anyway, your grandfather isn't coming for another hour so come have the last meal with us," she said.

Yoshiko nodded and headed down with her suitcase and Vanessa. Placed at the table we all her favourite dishes which Charmy made with extra love. There was a sign above that said...

Wait... What does it say?

"How do you not know what it says?"

I ask you how to spell words all the time...

"Hold on... you're dyslexic?"

What does that mean?

"Oh my god..."

Ignoring Asgorath, Yoshiko was welcomed by her squad mates she sat down between Grey and Noelle who had saved a seat for her. They had a party for her which she really appreciated.

Everyone was chatting to her but Yami who was sitting on the couch, smoking a cigarette. She was confused since he probably would have talked to her as well but he didn't.

"You know... this entire thing was planned out by Mister Yami," Magna told her. "He seemed really into it,"

Yoshiko turned back to Yami and everything clicked in her brain within five seconds. And when it did, it was a complete shocker.

Yami was going to miss her.

Yami, who was like an older brother to her, was going to miss her. And if it was like that then Yami would have thought as her as his younger sister, that the relationship was mutual.

Yami got up to go somewhere which made Yoshiko set down her spoon and stare at him. He walked outside of the base.

I should go speak to him...

"Then go. I'll stay here,"

And so Asgorath summoned himself from Yoshiko and immediately grabbed a slice of chocolate cake. Yoshiko was in shock at the action but she didn't question for now. She got up and went to find Yami who went outside.

"Where is she going?" Magna asked.

"Someone go get her back," Luck said.

"I'll go," Vanessa offered.

"Same!" Charmy said.

"..." Asgorath was silent. "If I don't do anything, it will definitely affect the hatchling's and Yami's relationship negatively..."

Taking a deep breath in, Asgorath said, "I like sweets. This cake is delicious,"

This caused everyone in the Black Bulls (but Yami and Yoshiko) to pause in their places and turn to the Dragon King who was eating a slice of cake. This caused Asgorath to stop eating and give them a stare.

"What?" He asked. "Doesn't everyone?"


"Do your best, hatchling,"

Yoshiko got outside and looked around to find Yami. He was by a tree, smoking a cigarette. Yoshiko went up to him and he stopped smoking.

"What are you doing here, brat?" He asked. "The party's for you. Go back and enjoy yourself,"

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