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THE MEMBERS OF the Eye of the Midnight Sun approached the four Bulls. The base had caught up with them and Gordon, Luck and Magna jumped down towards them. Yoshiko hid behind Gordon, wrapping her arms around his waist, and peeked out behind him.

"It's okay, Yoshiko, I'll keep you safe from these guys," Gordon mumbled to her.

"Thank you," Yoshiko said back.

"What are these guys doing here?" Rin asked, sitting on Asta's head.

"These guys are the ones who attacked our base earlier," Gordon mumbled but no one heard him and those who did, had other things to worry about.

"What do you want?!" Asta demanded. "You're the guys from the Eye of the Midnight Sun,"

"Were you the guys who trashed our base?!" Charmy demanded, pointing at them.

"If you want to fight us, get over with it already, we're busy," Asgorath told them.

"Shut up...!! You all pissed me off too... but the one I want to kill..." Rades started. He suddenly glared at them, causing Yoshiko to flinch at his bloodlust. "Is that bastard Licht! He deceived me... used me... and in the end, sacrificed me for his own goals...! I'll never forgive him! Never, never, never!!"

Asta almost flinched at his words. His temple dripped with sweat.

"He headed for the Royal Capital! He's probably arrived by now!" Rades told them. "With Valtos' spatial magic, we could arrive at the palace he'd mark in the Royal Capital immediately!! And combined with the enhancement from Sally's black magic artefact, we could move that entire base of yours!"

"It's possible but..."

"Say, Yoshiko. Why don't you tell me how you became mute? That way I can study how you survived," Sally said. She jumped onto Yoshiko pinning the upset girl to the floor.

"I don't trust them near the girl or any of the Black Bulls," Asgorath thought, narrowing his eyes at them.

"You want to get to the Royal Capital as quickly as possible too, don't you? Our objectives are the same! So give me your strength!" Rades said. "It's a good deal, isn't it?"

'Kill, kill, kill Licht!' Rades thought.

"From what I can sense of their mana, all the remaining elves are headed to the Royal Capital," Luck told them.

Asta looks back at Yoshiko who furiously shakes her head while still behind Gordon.

"..." Asta said nothing, turning back to Rades.

"Kuku... So, are you gonna team up with us?" Rades asked, offering his hand.

"Damn, you're annoying!" Asta shouted, punching Rades in the chin.

'Whaaaaaat?!' Rades thought.

It was then Yoshiko noticed the sclera of Rades' right eye was red instead of white.

"Our goals are the same?! They're totally different!" Asta shouted, pointing at him. "We're fighting to protect! We'll never lend our strength towards something like revenge!"

"What the hell are you doing?!" Rades demanded.

"Besides..." Asta started.

In a second, Asta had wrapped his arms around Rades and started to squeeze him.

"Last time at the capital, you caught a whole ton of innocent people in your attacks!" Asta reminded him, ignoring Rades' yelling. "And now you're the only victim that gets payback?! Don't give me that crap!!"

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