Chapter 1: A human?

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Word count : 1713

Word count : 1713

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(No POV)

You groan as you are escorted by principal Bump to the detention track.

He may or may not have caught you trying to tell one of your classmates fortunes by using both oracle and illusion magic.  And it definitely didn't go terribly wrong.

Even though you're in the illusion track, you've always been interested in fortune telling!

Even the construction track looks cool!

'Maybe I can try that next.' You think to yourself. Finally reaching the classroom and sitting next to your friend, Viney. Barcus and Jerbo were also there too.

'Can't this teacher just fall asleep so we can go to the hideout already?' You thought, getting bored already.

You put your arms on the table and stare at the grey on your uniform that used to be a light blue.

You place your head on the desk. Everyone stays silent. You all figured out that if you're quiet, not only none of you have to clean the classroom, but it'll also bore the teacher into falling asleep.

He was finally starting to become tired but then you heard the door open.


There was principal Bump, once again! But with someone I don't recognise. Also, why are her ears so round?

Wait- is she a human?!

Principal Bump said something to her before turning her yellow uniform into a grey one. Like everyone else.

She awkwardly walks over to you. " room for on more?" She said as she sits down next to you.

The human looks over to you "um..I like your necklace." She continued sheepishly.

You know there's no point in answering.

"Hey! You all better be quiet! Unless you want to scrub the classroom again." Your teacher yelled.

But then the human stood up. She told him that none of you were to blame because she was the one talking.

"Oh. Hoorayyy a hero." He replied sarcastically, giving her a bucket and a mop to scrub the classroom.

When she went off, you an viney looked at each other, she was smiling sweetly.

(Your POV)

Luz was talking to someone out of the window and Viney decided to sneak up on her. Obviously she was startled, She lead Luz over to the chalkboard (where I was standing).

I grabbed the chalk and drew a square with a keyhole inside. I taped on the key and twisted it, making a door.

The door to our hideout.

The Owl House /Edric Blight x reader\Where stories live. Discover now