Chapter 3: friends

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[this is a filler? chapter so it will be short!](Your pov)

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[this is a filler? chapter so it will be short!]
(Your pov)

Word count: 363

I wake up feeling somewhat energetic for once. I roll over while yawning and stretching, quickly get out of my bed and I straighten out my sheets.

I rush to get dressed, eat some breakfast, then I brush my teeth and hair before sprinting off to school.

Lucky for me, I have double illusions just before the end of school today! So I get to talk to Ed and Em.

When I get there, I see Luz playing a strange thumb game with a witch that has dark hair and glasses.

As I walk past, I give her a quick smile that she returns.

"It's fun because it's stupid!" The girl with glasses laughs.


As I walk to my beast keeping lesson, I feel someone put their hand on my shoulder.

It was Emira with Ed behind her.

"Hey (name)!" They say in unison.

"Hey!" Emira takes her hand off my shoulder and I turn to face them.

"Soooo we were wondering if you wanted to have lunch with us today! Ed wouldn't stop talking about you so we thought that it'd be fun if we hang out more!" Em smiles at me.

Edric's eyes widened slightly and his face turned a little red when she mentioned he wouldn't stop talking about me.

But I'd be lying if I said I didn't blush a little too.

Viney, Jerbo and Barcus are busy with work at lunch so this is actually quite convenient-

"Sure! I'd love to!" I respond.

At lunch I wasn't that hungry so I got (favourite snack) and a (favourite drink)

I spot the twins sitting by the window and I walk over.

"Hey." I say casually as I sit down next to Emira.

"Hey, (name)!" They greet me.

And that's the start of a beautiful friendship.


Hey everyone! Sorry this chapter is so short! This is a filler chapter because I didn't really know what to do with it and I'm also writing like 4 books at the same time (I know I make dumb decisions) but I promise I'll try to make next chapter longer!

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