Chapter 12: Palismen

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[Your pov]Word count: 855

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[Your pov]
Word count: 855

The next day rolls around and I practically jump out of bed.

I'm getting my palisman today!!

I pull my school uniform on, eat some breakfast and finish getting ready before bolting out the door.

A group of students were gathered at the grudgby field to see a nest containing some hand-me-down palismen.

Not very ideal but since the wood used to make them have been over harvested, this is our only way of getting a magic staff.

I'm not complaining though, all palismen deserve homes and I'm going to take great care of it.

Me, Viney and Jerbo are discussing what we think our future companions will be like.

"Honestly I'll just be glad if Puddles doesn't try to eat it." Viney sighs.

"Wouldn't be surprised if he did." Jerbo shrugs and Viney glares.

"What are you trying to say, Jerbo?" She death stares him and Jerbo tries to hide behind me.

"She's scary." He whispers.

I gulp, Nodding.

Yes Jerbo, Viney is pretty scary-

Before any of us could say anything else, Principle Bump and Eda The Owl Lady walk over to us.

"Good tidings on this momentous day. You're all about to receive your witches' staffs. And most importantly, meet your palismen." Bump starts.

"This is a crucial step in your magical development as palismen are lifelong partners. You can have great bonds with them and they can also be powerful tools. In my case..." he snaps his fingers and his palismen literally comes off of his face.

A little devil-like palismen appears onto his staff, revealing his long and silky looking hair.

If only my hair could be that shiny.

"Frewin helps my eyesight so I can see."

Edalyn steps forward. "Well, traditionally, witches your age would carve their staffs from a branch of an old Palistrom tree."

"Unfortunately, Palistrom trees are becoming incredibly rare. And those that remain are heavily guarded."

Eda nods and points a finger gun at the principal. "And that's why I've teamed up with Bumpipoo..."

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