Chapter 13: LittleRascal

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[Your pov]Word count: 724

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[Your pov]
Word count: 724

A few hours after school ended, I decided to test out Shiver.

I need to learn how to fly properly. Lucky for me, I'm surprisingly pretty good at it.

We're not going too quickly and we're close enough to the ground that if I fall I won't hurt myself.

Since it's starting to get late, I'm thinking about returning home soon.

That was until I saw my favourite human (well she's the only human I know). Luz!

I fly over to her, matching her walking pace. "Hey Luz!"

"AH! Oh! (Name)! Hi. Sorry I didn't see you."

She seems pretty upset. It's probably about her not getting a palisman.

I pat my staff. "Get on. Let's talk."

Her eyes widen slightly before getting on.

This time I decide to go further into the sky. For more privacy. We stay silent for a minute before I speak up. "Ok. What's up?"

She sighs. "Is it really that obvious?"

"Yeah it is. Now come on, spill the beans or whatever you humans say."

She chuckles before her smile quickly drops. "Do you think I can be a witch?"

"So it's about the palismen?"


"Luz, just because one of those palismen didn't pick you doesn't make you any less of a witch. Maybe you didn't dig deep enough for any of them to feel a connection with you?"

"Maybe. Also can I ask you something else?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"Ok so yesterday, Amity kissed me on the cheek. I really want to ask her out but I'm afraid she didn't want to kiss me and that she didn't want to see me today."

My eyebrows raise. She's also worried about Amity? How cute!

"Don't worry about that. This is Amity we're talking about. If she didn't like something, she would've said by now. And also maybe she's worried that you didn't like the kiss and stayed home?"

I swear if they don't ask each other out I'm going to cry.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Also where did you get that palisman? He's so cute!"

"He decided to sneak out and come to me, he didn't choose me as his witch though."

"Ah ok! Let's go return him then."

Once we land on the grudgby field I see that the nest is now covered by some protection spell.

Shiver turns out of her staff form and waddles over to the rascal that Luz just put on the ground.

"Aw! Look! I think they're friends." I giggle.

Luz places her hand on the force field. "How are we going to get past this?"

Little Rascal and Shiver chirp at each other before pressing their heads against it. Causing it to vanish.

"Woah." Me and Luz say in unison.

Luz opens the door and the rascal hops inside while shiver climbs up my back and onto my shoulder.

We both go inside. "All right, I'm not leaving here until I figure out what my future is and one you little cuties becomes my palisman!" Luz exclaims with a determined look on her face.

Luz and I get comfortable as she lists out and bunch of random stuff and I put shiver on my lap and she chirps, snuggling up to me.

She's so adorable!


Some time passes and all the palismen have fallen asleep.

Luz is half asleep and talking about some magic pet shop and I'm about to fall asleep.

That was before we all jolted awake when the Palismen nest started shaking.

Luz opens the door. "Hey! We're a little busy in hERE!"

She gasps and I peer over her shoulder.

We are in the air.


We look up to see we're being taken away by a ship.

"I think we're being kidnapped!"

Thanks for stating the obvious, Luz.

All the palismen start shaking in fear, huddling to the back of the nest.

Shiver crawls into a small bag I bought to carry her in.

"Don't worry, we'll figure this out." I try to reassure them all.

Luz draws a plant glyph and we both climb up the vine onto the ship. Luz also takes a leaf with her for some reason.

We peer over the top to see...

The Golden Gurad?

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