Chapter 14: Staff

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[your pov]Word count: 347

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[your pov]
Word count: 347



Why the heck is he stealing palismen?

Luz glares at him while he has his back turned, whistling a catchy song.

"Ugh. Him again." She smirks, drawing a glyph onto the leaf and jumping at him, launching him off of the ship.

I climb onto the airship as Luz walks over to the front. "Now. How do we land this thing?"

"Oh. You just pull that cord above your head." Goldie says casually.

"Thank y-eh?!"

"Hii~" he points his staff at us, putting us in ropes and forcing us to the back of the deck.

"Hey!" She yells.

"Ow! Be careful!" I add.

"Good to see you too." He brushes some dust off of his cloak.

"Why are you stealing palismen Golden Guard?"

"Yeah, not cool, Goldie." I Shake my head in disapproval.

"Frankly..." He teleports himself so that he's now towering over us.

"You two should be more concerned about yourselves. For the crime of rocketing me off my own ship, I'll make sure that you'll end up locked in the dingiest old cell for the rest of your sad, pathetic little lives."

He has no chill.

I roll my eyes and Luz scoffs. "Whatever. I've already broke out of there like twice."

"Then we'll just zap you to dust and throw your ashes in the boiling sea." He turns around.

Luz grumbles as Mr Goldilocks walks back to the steering wheel.

Did he forget me and Luz can do magic?

Me and Luz look at each other "distract him." I whisper.

She nods and starts asking him questions while I make a shard of ice and I cut out ropes with it.

She makes a glyph and sends ice towards his staff, throwing it off of the ship.

"No! Hey! How'd you get out of there?!"

"Magic." both me and Luz do jazz hands.

He sighs. But before anyone could do anything else, we hear a roar of a dragon.

It lands on the ship and suddenly we're all being tossed around like rag dolls.

Then it all went black.

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