Chapter 7: Uncle Salty (part 1)

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Word count: 1055


Around a week and a half later, I was finally given my first job. I'm kinda tired because I pulled an all nighter on call with Ed.

I had some coffee to wake me up a bit, it should last me around 6 hours.


Once I arrive to my uncle's boat, I see him talking to the human and king.

I jog over to them, catching my friends off guard. "aAHh!"

"(Name)?! You're working here too?" Luz asks.

I nod. "Yeah. He's my uncle so he asked me to help out."

"How is he your uncle? You don't look alike." King climbs up Luz's back and rests his chin on her shoulder.

"He was married into the family. I'm not related to him by blood." I shrug and they both nod, now understanding.

My uncle laughs a little before giving the three of us a serious look.

Why do I feel like I'm being watched?

"You think you can handle this, squirt?"

"We can handle anything!" Luz says in confidence and a determined look on her face.

I crack my knuckles. "She's sure right."

He nods and tosses us our uniforms. We thank him and run off to get changed.


After we get changed I approach Luz. "So, kid." I start, sitting down beside her.

"How come you've decided to come work here of all places? I never would've thought that you liked sailing."

She shakes her head. " No, Eda and Lilith are struggling to get money because the portal to get back to the human world. They're going through so much hassle because I need to eat, so I need to prove to them that I'm not a burden." She sighs.

My eyes widen slightly before softening, placing a hand one one of the human's shoulders.

"Luz, you're not a burden to anyone! They're doing so much because they love you, you're family to them. And don't worry about food, if you need food, we'll go buy some, don't even think about paying me back."

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