Chapter 10: Edric Blight

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Word count: 803

[Your pov]


After I got home from being dropped off by Goldie, I quickly take off my shoes and fall face first onto my bed.

I'm so exhausted. My whole body is sore and I feel really weak from the tiredness.

I miss Ed. He always lifts up my mood. I smile to myself and roll off of bed, grabbing some lounging clothes and changing into them.

I yawn, stretching my arms out. I need to see him.

But first I must nap.


I wake up to my shoulders being shook by someone.

My eyes widen. "AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" And I smack the person in the face so hard they fell onto the floor.

"AH WHAT THE HECK (NAME)!! IT'S JUST ME." The person gets up, rubbing their forehead.

"Amity! Don't scare me like that! Also how did you get in here?"

"Your dad let me in. Also, sorry."

I sigh and get out of bed before making a blue spell circle with healing magic and place it near her head.

"It's fine, just don't shake me awake next time. Sorry for punching you too hard, thought I was about to get attacked."

She nods. "Yeah, thank you."

After I took the spell circle away. I put my hands on her shoulders. "So, what can I do for ya?"

She blushes and her face softens. "I need advice. I tried asking my siblings but Em is too busy helping Ed for something. So now I'm here."

I smile. "Of course! What with?"

"I want to ask Luz out. But I don't know how."

My face lights up. "Amity that's so adorable! But I would say face to face. Like ask to meet up at a spot that's special to you both? Like maybe the tree from Grom?"

She takes a deep breath and smiles with a determined look on her face. "Ok, do I get her anything? Like flowers?"

I pause, thinking for a moment. "Do you know her favourite? If so, yes.

She groans. "She never told me! What if she says no?! Does she even like girls?!"

I giggle. "Amity, it's so obvious she likes you back. The way you look at each other is so cute!"

She hesitantly smiles. "You think so?"

I grin. "I know she does."

She pulls me into a hug which catches me off guard.


"Thanks, (name)."

I smile softly and hug her back. "No problem kiddo."

"Hey! Don't call me that!"


Around 2 hours after Amity left my house, I get a message on penstagram from Edric.


Hey (nickname)! Are you free later? I want to ask you something.

Sure! Im free right now if you want to ask now. And how come you can't just ask over text?

Okay, im coming over then. And I just don't want to ask over text, it's been a while since I've seen you.

Alright! And also fair enough, it's been a minute hasn't it?

Yeah, I'll see you in 15 minutes!


After a few minutes pass by, I hear a gentle knock on my door.

I run down stairs and open the door smiling.

The first thing I see is Edric with his hands behind his back.

"Hey, (name)." He mutters, looking pretty anxious.

"Hey. Is everything ok?"

He nods.

"So what did you want to ask me?" I beam.

He takes a deep breath and pulls out a bouquet of my favourite flowers. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me? On a date tomorrow at 7PM. It's okay if you don't wa-" he rambles before I cut him off.

"I'd love to, Edric."

His body quickly becomes less tense and he looks at me, stunned.



He smiles brightly at me and hands me the flowers.

"Well, I have to go. I kinda may or may not have snuck out the house to come here so I need to get back before my parents or mittens notices." He sheepishly rubs his neck.

"Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow at 7, right?"

He nods. He takes a few steps back and is about to turn around to walk home.

But I quickly step outside and grab his hand, pulling him a little closer and quickly giving him a kiss on the cheek before running back into my house and slamming the door behind me.

I can't believe I just did that.


[Edric pov]

After (name) kissed me, they slammed the door shut.

I feel heat rising to my face, I'm completely frozen in place. My heart feels like it's about to explode.

They kissed me.


I subconsciously let my hand wonder to the place (nickname) kissed my cheek.

I need to get back home, I have to tell Emira!


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