Chapter 4: Grom (part 1)

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Word count: 1151

(This chapter has not been under any editing yet, please excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes!)

A few months have passed since I've become friends with Ed and Em and Grom is coming closer by the minute.


Grom is today.

Nobody has asked me to go with them and I haven't asked anyone, I'm too nervous to.

I walk into Hexside and meet of with Ed and Em. I've officially become part of their little prank thing they've made.

Let's just say that my life isn't boring!

And of course I still hang out with Viney, Jerbo and Barcus! Those 3 are like my family!

I observe the decorations around me, they look sick! There's balloons and ribbon everywhere!

"Morning you two!" I wave at the twins, and of course they wave back.

"Morning!" Emira grins.

"Morning, (name)!" Ed winks, making my face heat up a little.

Okay I admit, I may have a really, really small crush on him. But I'm sure he doesn't feel the same.

We start walking to illusions before seeing a Grom proposal happen.

"Out of the way! Come with us immediately!"

He gets put on a hospital bed and wheeled over to a girl on the bard track. I think her name is Skara?

He asked her to be his Grom date.

"AHHHH! OF COURSE I WILL OR WHATEVER!" She squeals, throwing her books into the air and hugging him.

We all start cheering.

Well done, kid

Wait- I'm only like a year older than him and I'm acting like an old person-

We all hear the speaker turn on and we all talk amongst ourselves.

"Oh! Looks like Grom Queen is about to be announced!" Ed exclaims, me and Em share a worried expression, I'd rather take a months worth of detention than become Grom Queen!

If I'm honest, I think everyone else would too-

"Attention, Students! This is your principal speaking! This year, I have the privilege to award our Grom royalty too... Amity Blight!" The three of us turn to look at their younger sister.

She gasps and is understandably extremely nervous. Poor kid.

I put my hands on the twins' shoulders. "She's strong, I'm sure she'll do great." I smile softly at them.

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