Chapter 2: Blight

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Word count: 1024

(Your POV)

When the school day is over, I go to the library with my younger cousin, she normally has a few books read to her by a girl named Amity Blight

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When the school day is over, I go to the library with my younger cousin, she normally has a few books read to her by a girl named Amity Blight. I find it funny how she tries to act tough in school but around the kids, she's really sweet.

Before I do any of that, I need to go to my aunties house and pick Cecily up.


When we get there, I scan my library card and I walk inside.

It wasn't that busy, mainly students were here to collect school books or for a study session with their friends.

Cecily drags me over to the kids corner where Amity works. When she finally stops I can see Amity talking to my cousin's best friend Braxas and Cecily lets go of my hand and she runs as fast as she can to get to her best friend.

I follow not too far behind her and walk over to Amity.

"Hey." I nod to her.

"Hey, (name)." She mutters in response.

I opened my mouth to say something but all of the kids bombarded her with what they wanted reading, she handled them pretty well.

While I was saying goodbye to my cousin, Amity walked over to me. She seemed a little nervous, probably because Cecily only joined the other day and she's been a nightmare.

"If she gets too much for you to handle, just come find me, I'll be looking for some beast keeping books." I smile at her.

Amity smiles back and just as she was about to leave, two people my age showed up.

"Hey mittensss!" They said in unison. Then I realised, they're in my illusions class! Their names are Edric and Emira.

They're also Amity's older siblings so it's not surprising to see them here.

"Go away!" Amity rolled her eyes. Cecily had ran off by now.

I didn't want to interrupt their sibling argument or whatever they're doing so I stood up.

"Okay Amity, I'll see you later, remember to come find me if Cecily causes you any more problems!" I say as I begin to walk away.

"Okay I will! Thanks (name)." She called back to me.

Emira kept on bugging Amity but Edric went over to me.

"Wait...aren't you in my illusions class?" Edric said with a raised brow.

I stopped walking and turned around to see him right behind me.

"Uhh yeah?" I answered awkwardly.

"So it's true, you managed to convince Bump to let you into more than one track!" He exclaimed while observing my uniform.

I felt warmth rise in my face, it wasn't that big of a deal anyway.

"Did you want to join another track too?" I ask.

"Yeah, I think so! Beast keeping is something I've wanted to do for a while! Potions also sound interesting so I'd pick those."

"That's cool! I was actually looking for a book on beast keeping! Maybe you should talk to principal Bump about joining those tracks!" I smile

"Hey! Random question, but do you have pentsagram?" He blurts out.

"Uh yeah I do! Why?"
We ended up getting each other's penstagram so we could continue our conversation on beast keeping later.

Emira decided to walk over to us. I've actually spoken to her a few times during our lessons.

"Hey (name)! Sorry to interrupt your conversation with Ed but we need to go now." She smiled

I nod "alright I'll see you guys in class!" I smile back

"Oh you will!" Emira responds before walking off.

"I'll see you tomorrow (name)! Uh text me when you can." He says shyly and then runs to catch up with his sister.
After around 20 minutes, I was reading a book on different types of beasts when Amity ran to me with my cousin.

I place a bookmark on the page I got up to and close my book. "What did she do this time?" I put my book into my school bag.

"She ripped up the pages of a book and refused to sit down." Amity said while letting go of her hand.

I shake my head "Cecily. What do you say to Amity?"

"Sorry Amity." She mumbled.

The green haired girl sighs, folding her arms.

"It's fine. Just don't do it again! These books are expensive!"

"I can pay for the ripped book." I offer.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I don't know what to do with my money anyway so it's fine!" I insist.

"Okay, thank you (name)."

When I drop my cousin off back at her home, I talk to my uncle about what she's done and she got grounded.

I yawn as I say bye to my aunt, uncle and cousin before dragging my feet along on my way home.

When I got home, I slipped my shoes off, went to the bathroom and had a shower.

During most of my shower I just let the water run while I just thought about the most random things.

After my shower, I got changed into my pyjamas and run to bed.

I get up penstagram, I decide to text Edric.


Hey Ed!:)

Hey (name)! Mittens told me how bad your cousin was being, how do you handle her???

Simple, bribery
And also she knows that she'll get grounded if she misbehaves. Not sure why she does it anyway

I might pass that information to mittens. But anyway, earlier you said you were looking for a beast keeping book, did you find one?

Yeah I did! It's really good! If you want, you can borrow it when I've finished it, I only have 4 chapters left

Yeah, thanks!

No problem! I'll give it to you ASAP! Anyway, it's getting late now so I'm going to try to get some sleep, night Ed:)

Alright! Night (nickname) sleep well:)


I smile at my phone before putting it on charge. I slowly fall asleep.

I can't wait for tomorrow!


Chapter 2 is finally out! Thank you for reading and hopefully I'll see you in the next chapter! Take care and stay safe!<3

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