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There Is No Scientific Evidence That Time Apart Changes Sandwich Preferences.


I slept like shit.

My bed was practically fit for a queen but I tossed and turned all night. I even had to go for a midnight walk to clear my head which was absolutely terrifying in the middle of the countryside by myself. Issac was justified in everything he said to me but I couldn't help but to still feel jaded. He wasn't the only one that lost something that day.

It was a decision I made but that didn't make it any less difficult. Call it weak, but I also wanted to believe that I was doing what was best for him by exiting his life. There were a million other ways I could've done it but the end goal was all the same. No matter which course I took, no matter how sensitive and thought out I would always end up breaking his heart. What did semantics matter when that would always be the outcome?

I pulled myself out of bed and scrolled through my phone to see if I had any emails. The only thing on my screen was a text message from Anna telling me she redirected all my emails to hers so I wouldn't be distracted while I was away. I thanked her, but without work, I had nothing to distract myself from the guilt knawing at my conscience. I threw my phone back onto my bed and shuffled down the stairs to see what my mother prepared for breakfast. She was watching her weight so there wouldn't be nearly enough bacon but maybe after last night, she'd make an exception.

"Good morning, Sweetheart. How did you sleep?" She kissed me on the cheek before setting my plate down in front of me. Bacon galore, who knew crying could get you this spoiled?

"Like shit," I replied with a mouth full of crispy bacon.

"Well, you better hurry up and eat breakfast, Issac's been pacing around out front all morning. I tried to get him to come inside but he wouldn't. Told me to tell you to go on out and talk to him, when you were up and dressed."

I got up and peeked out the window and sure enough, Issac was outside, moving his hands and pacing back and forth. He looked like he just escaped from some sort of facility.

"I'll just go now," I said taking a sip of my apple juice.

"Now? Well, honey, you look terrible. You don't wanna run some water on that hair? Maybe get the eye boogies out of your eye?"

I rolled my eyes and popped my feet into my slippers before walking to the front door. Before I opened it, I rubbed my eyes and pulled as much of my hair as I could get into a ponytail. As soon as I opened the door Issac looked at me and sighed, he looked embarrassed. Like he'd just die if he didn't get whatever it was off of his chest.

"Leila, I—I've been thinking about what I said to you yesterday all night and I'm so sorry. I should have never spoken to you like that, you didn't deserve that."

Of course, how could I expect anything less?

"No, I definitely deserved it."

He smiled, "that may be true but still I don't want to hurt you. Accident or not I never want to be the reason you're upset."

My heart was near ready to explode, "seriously Issac, don't worry about it. Consider it water under the bridge."

"I won't be able to forgive myself unless you let me buy you lunch. You still like deli sandwiches right? Extra pickles?"

"Yes?" I answered hesitantly.

"Ryan's is just a ten-minute drive, let me treat you, and then we can start over. Believe it or not, I did miss you, Leila. If nothing else I'd like to call you a friend rather than a stranger."

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