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A Brief Intermission.


My mother was ecstatic. As soon as I texted her the news of Issac's broken engagement and the affair she called me ranting and raving about how God had finally answered her prayers. I found it in poor taste considering they were together for three years but there was no convincing that woman this wasn't cause for celebration.

Of course, she wanted to know what this now meant for our future but I had no answers for her. As much as I wanted to start over with Issac my heart just wouldn't let me—more so my brain. It didn't matter how many times he tried to convince me otherwise I knew he was hurt and I wanted him to heal and move on properly.

It just didn't feel right to even consider jumping into a relationship with him after he just ended a relationship with a woman he loved for three years. Anna told me it was time for me to be selfish but it was more than that it was about respecting him and his feelings.

Especially the feelings he didn't feel comfortable sharing with me.

"Alright, this looks wonderful! For tomorrow let's go back over some of the highlighted colors and maybe fix some of the blurring, other than that this is perfect." I glanced at my watch and my eyes widened. It was well past six and almost everyone else had gone home.

I hadn't planned on working overtime and making poor Dylan help me but he was our best editor, I'd have to remind myself to give him a bonus in his next check because tonight wouldn't be the last time I needed his help.

"Okay, is there anything else you need me to do?" He yawned and shifted in his seat before turning to me.

"No, that's all you did great tonight. I'll see you tomorrow Dylan."

He nodded before packing up his belongings and heading to the elevator. I scanned my office making sure I didn't forget anything before leaving myself, shooting Issac a text once I got in the car.

I wanted to know how his talk with his father went and I figured hashing out his familial problems over Italian was the best course of action. Nothing like garlic bread and chicken parmigiana to help distract you from all of your issues.

Twenty minutes passed and Issac hadn't texted me back so I just picked up some food for myself and went home. I didn't want to just invite myself over to his house in case he wanted to be alone so I texted Jeremy telling him to check on Issac if he could.

I had a mouthful of chicken when my phone began ringing. I wiped my hands and chewed as fast as I could before answering—it was Issac. "Hello?" He sounded tired on the other end.

"Hey," I twirled some spaghetti around my fork and shoved it in my mouth hoping whatever he had to say next was long enough for me to chew and swallow.

"I'm out front, do you mind opening your door?"

I glanced at my front door and smiled when I heard a knock. I wiped my hands once more before jogging to the door to let Issac in. He was dressed down, in sweatpants and a hoodie, and his hair was wet. He must've just taken a shower. I stepped aside to let him in and he walked straight to my drawer to get a fork before helping himself to my dinner.

"I would've got you something but you never texted back, I thought maybe you might've eaten already." He shrugged and cut a piece of chicken before popping it into his mouth, "I had something light but I could always eat again."

I rolled my eyes but sat with him while the both of us finished off the food. I wanted to ask how the talk went but he seemed to be in good spirits so I didn't want to ruin that. He would tell me when he was ready, no matter how nerve-wracking it was.

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