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Speak Now, Or Forever Hold Your Peace


Two Years Later...

"Where is it, Anna? How is it fucking possible to lose a veil on my God damn wedding day?"

I tore the room apart looking for the crown with paper-thin fabric. My mother had made it for me and if it wasn't for that plus the added stress of being minutes away from marrying the love of my life I would have left it alone.


"Okay, just calm the fuck down! I'm gonna find it, it couldn't have gotten too far. I'll be right back, yeah, right back!" Anna ran out of the room yelling obscenities down the hall.

I'd made her life a living hell over the past couple of months and she absolutely hated me for it. I knew for a fact she went home and complained about me to Jeremy but I could care less. I could gossip just like them and Issac always got an ear full about how annoying his best friend was.

Maybe Charlotte had been on to something after all.

"Get the fuck out of my way! Oops! Sorry Jer, I love you!" I heard her yell before barging back into the room. I giggled to myself and ran a hand along the front of my dress to calm myself down.

Glancing at myself in the mirror I smiled and wiped a stray tear from my cheek. I always knew I'd be wearing one of my mother's designs for my wedding but I'd lost all hope for the man that would see me in it.

"Crisis averted, I found the veil now you can shut the fuck up? Deal?"

I laughed and wiped a few more tears from my face. Anna ran up to hug me and wrapped me in the tightest embrace before placing the crown on my head.

"You look beautiful, Issac is so lucky to be spending the rest of his life looking at you." She blotted my face and fixed the loose fabric, "let's get you married, yeah?"

I sniffed and gave her a quick peck on the cheek, "Yeah, let's get me married."


As Jeremy stood behind me making jokes about having a runaway bride all I could think about was how this was the most important day of my life, and my father was missing it.

He had ruined my life in more ways than one but at the end of the day, he was still my father. I thought after some time he could forgive me and see that I did what was best for me and our family but I turned out to be the only mature one in this scenario.

He wasn't answering my calls, didn't even bother to return the wedding invitation and whenever I tried to visit him his housekeeper always said he wasn't home. I tried to mend our relationship but if he couldn't stand to see how happy I was, how much I loved Leila, and how much she loved me well, that was entirely his loss.

The piano started playing and the entire audience took to their feet. Jeremy nudged my back and I cleared my throat, folding my hands in front of me. They were sweating like crazy, and if I didn't get some water now I was sure I'd end up fainting.

The double doors soon opened and there she was, a vision in white. I'd spent countless hours imagining what she would look like slowly making her way down the aisle intending to promise to be mine forever.

My imagination was nothing compared to the real thing and seeing her up close, grabbing her hand and holding it like it would disappear if I let go signified that.

I was the luckiest man in the whole fucking world.

"Hi," I whispered as the officiant began his speech.

"Hi," she hummed, eyes grazing my attire before she met my gaze, "you clean up nice."

I chuckled and squeezed her hand, "you're not too bad yourself."

"The couple has prepared their own vows," he nodded to us and Leila giggled before clearing her throat.

"Issac Hill, you are—" The words trailed off somewhere I couldn't quite hear them. All I could do was stare at her, nothing but pure adoration in my eyes. I'd seen her through the flu and when she got gum stuck in her hair in the first grade.

I'd burned a leech off her foot and helped her make a PowerPoint presentation on why she should've gotten a bike for her twelfth birthday but no memory of ours could compare to the one we were making right now.

"I promise to love you until I have no more love to give and even then I'll find some just to share it with you," she squeezed my hand and took the ring from my little cousin, Shannon before sliding it on my finger.

"Leila—" There were so many ways I could express my love for her but almost all of them weren't appropriate in front of friends and family. She was like a dream, one that I'd been chasing my entire life and to finally be able to hold her, to love her without restrictions was all I could ever ask for.

"You make me the happiest man alive, and I promise to spend the rest of my life making you happier."

The officiant cleared his throat and smiled at the both of us, "if anyone should have a problem with this union, speak now or forever hold your peace." And after what felt like the longest pause in fucking history he nodded and cheered, "without further ado, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

I removed the veil from over her face and cupped her cheeks, placing the softest kiss on the lips I'd spend forever worshiping.

"I love you, Issac Hill," she pressed a kiss to my cheek before snuggling in my chest.

"And I love you, Mrs. Hill, now," I lifted her chin and raised a brow, "how about we sneak out of here and start our honeymoon early?"

She laughed and took my hand, guiding me down the aisle, "you read my mind."



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Love you two long time♡♡♡

Super short ending but it was sweet so that's all that matters. Objection was like an hour and thirty minute movie and this is the exact ending I imagined after the screen goes black when Issac asked what Leila wanted in the last chapter LMAOO

Again, Objection was just meant to be a short story and I struggled with moving things along quickly while also saying everything I had to say. I'm very happy with the way things ended and am very proud to have been able to finish yet another project even if it was just something short and fun.

I have two more stories out, Vengeance and The Nanny and both will be full novels so expect lots from them!

Thank you for reading Objection 🤍🤍

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