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     All Good Things Must Come To An End.


I've had a heavy heart ever since my disagreement with Charlotte. Two weeks had passed and I hadn't heard from Issac at all. I was afraid she'd spoken to him and told him I had feelings for him and that she no longer felt comfortable with our friendship continuing.

I wanted to believe that he'd choose me over her but if he didn't that's what I deserved. I had the chance to choose him over everyone but I allowed myself to be manipulated by his father. Actually, him ignoring me this way was most likely my karma, and boy did it hurt.

I finished up my work day by announcing the new couple we'd be covering this season and prepped my staff for the chaos that was covering a wedding. I gave them this talk every year but I still seemed to have a few shocked employees whenever the real work began.

I allowed Anna to go home early today so it was just me at the office when it was time to leave. I packed up my desk and sent out a few last-minute emails before stuffing my laptop into my purse and putting it over my shoulder.

I added some more water to the sunflowers Issac had gifted me and jumped when someone knocked on my door, "sorry, I'm out for the day but feel free to come back tomorrow and we can—" Jeremy stood in my doorway wearing an impressed smile.

"You have an excellent customer service voice. I dropped that whole thing a year into working."

"Jeremy, what can I do for you?"

He shrugged and pointed a finger towards the elevator, "I'm hungry. I heard the Chinese food restaurant down the street is pretty good, my treat?"

No wonder he was such a ladies' man, that smile could convince the devil to be on his best behavior.

"I could eat, as long as your paying," I hooked my arm around his and walked with him to the elevator.

The restaurant was very small, with only a few tables that seemed to be a few too many. Jeremy ordered food for the both of us and came back to the table with two sodas and two straws. I smiled and thanked him before asking why he chose me to spend his Thursday evening with.

"I can't just enjoy your company?" He laughed. He could, but I knew that wasn't why he wanted to see me. I raised a brow and he scoffed finally giving up the act.

"Alright, you got me. Have you spoken to Issac?"

Just the mention of his name made me tense up, "no I haven't. Why is everything okay?"

Jer sighed and took a swig of his soda before running a hand over his five o'clock shadow. "He and Charlotte had a massive fight. He's called off the wedding."

What? Was my initial thought. I'd heard nothing about their wedding being canceled which was why I found it so hard to believe. If that wedding was no longer happening surely everyone in the world would know. Ned Hill would make sure I was the first person to blame for it.

"I know that look so to answer the question I know you're thinking it hasn't been announced yet. Apparently, the two families want to try to work things out before word gets out."

"I'm sure they're figuring their shit out though, this wouldn't be the first time Issac and Charlotte got into an argument."

Our food was brought to our table and I thanked the nice cashier before stirring up my chicken fried rice. I was more hungry than I thought and almost forgot how serious this conversation was when I took my first bite of food.

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