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           A Special Announcement.


When I couldn't find Laurie anywhere I finally resorted to seeking out my mother. She was tucked in a corner with her arm locked around my father, probably to keep him from looking for Ned.

She smiled when she saw me and waved shortly. Her expression dropped when she took in my urgency and my father stiffened beside her. "Is everything okay, dear?"

I breathed deeply and nodded my head, kissing them both on the cheek. "Everything is okay, I just have a question. Do you know where Laurie is? Issac has been looking for her all over and she hasn't been responding."

She patted the pocket of my father's coat and hummed, "she went up to the lake. She left last night, said she needed some time to herself which is understandable. Issac has nothing to worry about."

That was a relief. I shifted in my stance and glanced at my father. He was scanning the room, surely looking for the man that had his daughter brainwashed for the last five years.

"I know you're angry, but please not tonight. Issac doesn't need any more stress."

He sighed heavily and frowned, "when are you going to start worrying about yourself? Is he sacrificing his pride for your sake?" My mother hushed him and I failed to pretend his words hadn't stung.

What would that look like? Him sacrificing his pride for me? Surely it wouldn't resemble him walking around with Charlotte clung to his hip, her thumb tracing his hand as if their love couldn't be any stronger.

Was I just to accept that they had to play pretend? That a family came at a cost of a game he never wanted to play and accept that? It wasn't the life I wanted nor the life I imagined but I was willing to make it work for him.

What had he done for me?

I excused myself and found Jeremy and Issac, and was pleased to find no sign of Charlotte. I took this as a good sign and figured I'd tell him the good news before she found her way back to him. Seeing them together, guests fawning over their future matrimony. It made me sick.

"Good news, your mom said Laurie went up to the lake last night to clear her head. She's fine, she'll probably get back to you after she's had some time to think."

Issac noticeably relaxes and I flash him an assured smile. He reached out to say something but the motion was cut short by Charlotte's hand pulling him into her. He sighed impatiently but her smile was bright as she looked between Jeremy and me.

"Jeremy, Leila, so lovely the two of you could make it."

He groaned but I couldn't be that rude, damn my mother, "Hi, Charlotte." It was curt but it would have to do.

"You both don't mind if I steal Issac from you for a bit? I love this song." I nodded and she pulled Issac along, him reluctantly dragging his feet to the center of the floor. His arms found their way around her waist and she placed hers around his neck.

There was a cautious smile on her face and I wondered what his might've looked like. If he would've been content or apprehensive.

"Would you care to dance, Leila?" Jeremy's hand was spread out for me to take. I smiled and took his hand, allowing him to close the space between us as he led us through a dance routine.

"How are you?" The question was rhetoric, but I couldn't lie and say I didn't appreciate him asking.

"Better than I thought I'd be. Still curious as to why it was so important for me to come here tonight."

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