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Do Not Accept A Dinner Invitation From Your Ex-Best Friend's Fiancé.


Anna offered to take me shopping to get my mind off my recent encounter with Ned Hill. She was proud of me for standing my ground but acknowledged how adept he was at psychological warfare. My ego was bruised and until I was finished licking my wounds there would be no confronting Issac about the past.

Not until I had a way to counteract.

"This is super cute! Didn't you need something to wear to that event next week?" I scanned the dress in her hand and nodded. My mother and I were invited to a fashion show and though I couldn't stand to sit through them, she loved every minute of it. It was one of those things you forced yourself to do because the person you loved enjoyed it.

There was nothing I loved more than seeing my mother happy.

"Yeah I like it, do they have it in like a navy blue?" Anna turned back to the rack and apologized when she bumped into a woman half her height. The lady smiled and picked up the item she dropped before locking eyes with me, "Leila?"

Just great.

"You two know each other?" Anna asked and I raised both brows as I greeted the excitable Mrs. Hill. "It's so good to see you Laurie you look beautiful as always."

"Oh thank you, hun! Ou give me just a second. Charlotte dear! Look who I found!" She shouted towards the back of the boutique.

If the ground could open up and swallow me that would be just wonderful.

Anna drew out a long 'oh' as Charlotte walked over, tossing her arms around me with her perfectly tanned skin and toned arms. Seriously she looked like she just walked off a photo shoot with Swimsuit Digest.

"Oh my God! Leila Wright as I live and breathe! I didn't think you could get any more beautiful but here we are!" I hug her back and throw on my best smile.

"Charlotte you look lovely as always. Your hair is blonder than it's ever been!" That really was a compliment. I was truly impressed with how blonde she was able to get her hair.

She flipped it and it bounced right back to its position perfectly, "I have a great stylist. Who's your friend?"

"Oh, this is Anna. She's my best friend and associate." Anna hated when I referred to her as that because it wasn't her official job but it might as well have been. Maybe I could trick her into signing the contract.

Charlotte leaned in for a hug and Anna did the same, "It's so good to meet you, you're very gorgeous as well. Gosh, what are they putting in the water down here? I think I might need to move back home."

All four of us laugh before she continued, "how have you been? It's been so long. I know we kind of already know each other but I've always wanted to say Issac has told me so much about you!"

She was nauseatingly nice, "I've been well. Look Charlotte about—"

"Stop right there. I know what you're going to say and I won't hear it." I paused, eyebrows raised.

"I have no hard feelings towards you about the dress or the bar incident or any of it. Issac and I have no secrets, I knew you guys were just hanging out that night. Not much to do in such a rural part of Georgia anyway." She smiled and went on, "I'm just happy it's all over with. And let me just say I'm so happy you and Issac have reconnected. I know he's missed your friendship."

This couldn't be the same woman that ignored Issac for two hours on the plane ride over here. The woman he'd called venomous and the someone who liked getting their picture taken but only by professionals. There was no way. I wouldn't believe it.

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