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                    Pandora's Box Reopened.


I think he half expected me to be gone when he woke up in the morning. That was surely why he looked around my room nervously before calming down when he saw me come up the stairs with two coffees.

I laughed and carefully sat on the bed before handing him his mug. He thanked me and took a long sip, sighing once he was finished.

"Good Morning," he smiled and rested one hand on his head while the other squeezed the handle of his drink. He looked good in the morning, it was a shame now was the first time I got to see it.

"How'd you sleep?" He bobbed his head back and forth and drank more coffee, "the bed is comfy but your foot was crawling up my thigh the entire night."

I laughed and imagined Issac trying to scoot me over while being half asleep. I'd been told by other casual hookups that I wasn't the best sleeper but it hadn't deterred me yet. I just had to find someone who could put up with it.

"I've tried everything, unfortunately, it can't be helped." Issac shrugged and placed a kiss on the back of my hand, "I don't want you to change it. Just something I have to get used to."

My cheeks warmed and I dropped my head to save myself some embarrassment. "Speaking of things we have to get used to, last night was—"

He cut me off and began apologizing, "I'm sorry I don't know what came over me. If you regret it I completely understand and I won't—"

I sighed and shook my head. I did a number on him and that's the last thing I wanted to do, to leave him thinking he was my regret. I let the feeling fester in him for years not taking into account the damage your own mind can do when you're hurting.

I knew what that was like, and I didn't wish it on anyone.

"Issac, I don't regret anything, that's not what I was going to say."

"Oh thank God," he laughed and took another sip of coffee, "what were you going to say?"

"I know I've been saying I think it's a good idea for you to take some time to get over Charlotte before we try to start over but considering last night I think we should—"

He sat the coffee cup down and rolled over on top of me. His hands were pressed into the bed on either side of my head and his left knee sat in between my legs. His head lowered and I felt my breath hitch.

His hair was a mess but he still managed to look like he just walked off a set—he was freshly shaved and he smelled like sex. He smelled like me. He kissed me tenderly before leaving a kiss on the tip of my nose with a smile.

"You think we should what?" He buried his head back in my neck before I could answer, nipping and sucking lightly at the exposed skin. I moaned and tilted my head wanting to give him better access. This wasn't exactly how I planned to spend the morning but I couldn't say I didn't like where it was going.

"I think we should—" I tugged on my bottom lip and held onto his bicep. His hand had found its way to my panties gently tugging on the flimsy fabric before he used two fingers to massage my clothed clit, the deep wet spot on the front of them providing the perfect friction.

"What do you think we should do Leila?" His fingers slipped past the fabric and teased my entrance. I sunk into the bed and spread my legs to give him better access. He chuckled and prepared to say something but bit his tongue. I knew I was being needy again but everything he did just felt so good, I could come undone just thinking about it.

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