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          Downward Dog Is So Very Cruel.


                             Three Years Ago...

"Is this seat taken?" The voice was sweet and high-pitched. Melodic, almost like honey.

"No, take a seat," I replied, my head still hung in my drink. She rested her manicured hand on the back of the chair and pulled it out before taking a seat. She sighed and called the bartender over, ordering herself a vodka tonic.

"Rough day?" She asked another question I didn't feel like answering.

"No, I—" I finally looked up and smiled at her appearance. Charlotte Lewis, I recognized her immediately though we didn't talk much when we went to school together. She looked the same but older. Her hair was longer, a whole lot blonder but her cheeks were still pink, eyes still a bright green.

"You could say that. How've you been?" I smiled and took a sip from my cup.

"I'm surprised you remember me. You were always so busy with Leila you hardly noticed anyone."

I cleared my throat and downed the rest of my drink. Hearing her name still felt like molten rock being poured down my veins. It hurt to swallow, hurt to think about her, hurt to even acknowledge her existence.

"Oh? Is that a sour spot these days?" She had a slight smile on her lips, a hint of curiosity.

"You could call it that," I answered. "I guess I just didn't know her as well as I thought I did." Admitting that stung more than the liquor. I had known Leila all my life—loved her even longer. It was hard to believe that she was even capable of hurting me the way she did but it was her, that was no mistake.

Charlotte held her glass up to mine and leaned into my shoulder, "I can help you get your mind off of her if you want that is." I blew air out of my mouth but she was serious, "come on, you're way too handsome to be moping over a woman. Besides, getting your heart broken by your first love adds character."

That got a smile out of me and she lived for every second of it. "There we go! You have a great smile as well, it's a shame she was the only one you let see it."

She leaned in closer, her perfume defiling my nose, "I'd like to think I'm broken too. Why don't we help each other pick up the pieces?"

She definitely caught me at my most vulnerable because at that moment I thought she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever laid my eyes on. Like she was an angel sent from God to guide me to the right path, the woman I was truly meant to spend my life with. Charlotte Lewis was the answer, the cure to my broken heart.

"To new beginnings," I held my glass up to hers and knocked them together. "To new beginnings."

                               Present Day....

I didn't have nightmares, most of the time I couldn't even remember my dreams but recently they've been vivid and hard to forget. Leila was already occupying my headspace while I was awake, now she plagued my dreams making me wake up covered in sweat and filled with guilt. I could have her any way I wanted her while she was in my dreams. Moments that felt so real, so good—too good to ever be woken up from.

She had me all messed up and I would've been more than a piece of shit if I jerked off to any woman other than my fiancé. I thought about calling Charlotte, begging her to help me get off but the guilt would only make me fall limp. I wasn't horny because I was thinking about my soon-to-be wife. I was horny because I couldn't get the woman I used to be in love with that just so happened to stay next door out of my head.

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