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When You Leave A Room, Make Sure To Close The Door Behind You.


"Leila, that was Delores they want an interview with you over at Galore?" Anna popped her head into the doorway of my office with a quirked brow. "No, decline them just like the fifty others that called today." I sighed and she nodded in approval.

The phone had been ringing off the hook since my interview with Leah but I refused to feed into any more of the gossip. I said what I wanted to say about the situation and that was it. Quite frankly there was nothing more to tell. Issac and I didn't behave in a way that should've promoted any rumors of infidelity. He was a perfect gentleman outside of the few comments he'd make as a reflex.

I reached into my drawer and pulled out a proof he had gifted me after our impromptu photo shoot at the lake. He was one hell of a photographer and it was a real shame he was never going to be able to pursue it but I for one would always appreciate him being my personal photographer.

Too bad he wasn't the one taking our pictures at school.

I checked the time on my phone and sucked my teeth. Agreeing to meet Issac, especially in the heat of the bar fiasco was risky but I owed him closure. If he wanted to close this chapter and break-even I couldn't take that away from him, not another time.

I knocked on Anna's door and smiled at how hard at work she was. I've offered to promote her to a higher position for years but she always refused. She was too humble for her own good, but I wouldn't argue with her decisions.

"I'm heading out for lunch now. I would ask if you're gonna be good but I know you are."

She chuckled, "I should be asking you that. Are you sure you want to just walk away from this without putting up a fight?"

Why, oh why did she choose now to try and be motivational? "I'm afraid I've made up my mind Anna. Besides, if he's really happy with Charlotte it's not fair of me to try and take that away from him. He deserves love and to be loved correctly."

She frowned and I prepared myself for the lecture that would soon ensue, "Leila stop beating yourself up. You were young and you made a mistake. His dad was an ass for using that kind of power over you and you and Issac didn't deserve that. I know you regret what you did, that's fair but do you really think you wouldn't be able to love him properly?"

Did I? I've loved him forever and it wasn't hard to love a guy like Issac Hill. He made being around him feel so easy—never failed to make me feel like I was the most important thing in the world. It was no wonder Charlotte fell in love with him, no wonder I fell in love with him.

"I was a seventeen-year-old with raging hormones of course I thought I was in love with him."

"You were twenty-two years old when the two of you had sex. You had ample time to explore other people and relationships in the time before that and you did, didn't you?"

I hated that she knew everything about me, "yes."

"And?" She probed like a teacher waiting for me to give the answer that has been so obviously in front of me.

"And none of them ever measured up okay? Could you go easy on me here please?"

She shook her head and gave me a pitiful laugh, "Leila I love you and that's exactly why I'm not going easy on you. Don't let his dad try to convince you your feelings for Issac are bound to the two of you going through puberty together. You're not easy access. You're a person with thoughts and feelings and you're funny and smart and incredibly talented and beautiful. I hate that he made you feel otherwise."

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