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Issac Hill? Your Secret's Safe With Me.



The name had managed to piss me off every time I heard it. I rolled my eyes or I gave him a light shove, told him to stop, and how annoying he was for giving me such a stupid nickname. It was bestowed upon me after my third grade performance in our Spring play. I played the sun, and I only had one line in the entire production.

Issac hadn't let it go since.

I hated it, or at least I thought I hated it until it accidentally slipped out of his mouth at Ryan's yesterday making me lose all my disdain. It was so easy for him like the name sounded normal on his lips like he hadn't spent years pretending like it didn't exist. I felt like he was mine and I was his but that would never be because he belonged to Charlotte Lewis. I was going to have to get that through my thick skull sooner or later.

I didn't see Issac much over the next few days so I decided to spend it meditating or doing yoga. I didn't have much time to indulge when I was at home because I was always swamped at work or being dragged off to some gala or red carpet event. The only time I got to myself was when it was time to go to bed and I wouldn't sacrifice my sleep for yoga. Peace of mind be damned.

"Sweetie? Are you doing that Tai Chi in there?" I heard my mother ask from behind my door.

"It's just meditation mom, and you are breaking my concentration." I took a deep breath and refocused on clearing my thoughts.

"If you were really in such a deep state of relaxation I wouldn't be able to stir you now would I? Now go on and put that little bathing suit I got for you on we're going down to the lake."

I opened one eye and looked around my room for the supposed bathing suit. There was a two-piece set hanging on my closet door, one too cute to ignore. "Did you design this?" I questioned, still in my meditative pose.

"Yes, I did now get your cute butt into it and take a few pictures while you're at it."

I groaned with a smile and paused my meditation to try on the bathing suit. It was a little too scandalous—a little too nice for a day at the lake but if my mother wanted me to wear it, who was I to complain? I pulled my hair out of its ponytail and drenched it in water before going back to my room to take a few mirror shots.

Because of my job, I needed to keep up with my social media. My brand was luxury living but doing it modestly. I didn't want anyone watching me to try and emulate my life. I had major help to get where I was, it just wasn't realistic for everyone.

I posted a few pictures to Instagram and stuffed my phone in my beach bag before heading downstairs. My mother and father were already in the car waiting for me so I quickly grabbed a water, a banana, and my hat before going to the car.

"Where's your cover-up Honey?" My dad asked when he caught a glimpse of me.

"It's just in my bag, I couldn't pick which one I wanted to wear so I just grabbed one and ran out the house." He nodded his head and went back to scrolling on his phone.

"Oh leave her Malcolm, the girls in better shape than most." My mom protested.

"I didn't tell her to go in the house and change Georgia I just asked her a question. She's damn near thirty years old I don't care what she wears."

The idea of it alone made me cringe. I knew thirty wasn't exactly old but there was so much I wanted to do and for some unknown reason I felt like my clock was ticking.

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