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Spending Time With In-Laws Is a Universally Shitty Experience, Right?


Charlotte's parents insisted we celebrate the upcoming wedding by having dinner at a notoriously snobby restaurant that only took reservations. She was incredibly close to her parents so I was expecting a harsh lecture upon seeing them again but I was greeted with nothing but warm hugs and smiles.

What's even more bizarre? Charlotte hadn't given me a hard time in days. She was eerily nice compared to the way she ripped into me the other day. Now, she's been wishing me good morning and kissing me before I leave the house. Taking off my coat when I come inside and sleeping in our bed instead of the guest room or a friend's. I wasn't stupid enough to question her sudden kindness but I still couldn't decide if I found it comforting or horrifying.

"So, Issac. Char tells us you have a new partnership in the works?" Her dad cuts on a corner of his steak as he asks.

"Yes sir. I've been in contact with Noah Harrington for a few weeks now and he's said he's looking to invest. He's not greedy which is good and he's made it clear since day one what he expected out of me and the business."

He nodded his head in approval, "very good. He's powerful and has a lot of influence. Getting on his good side is definitely a good look for the future merging of our companies." He glanced at Charlotte before looking at his wife.

"Char, Honey maybe you could befriend his wife? Having a friendship strengthens any business relationship and nothing is more convincing than two wives working together." The woman smiled and picked at her salad.

Charlotte rolled her eyes, "doesn't she have like a toddler and another on the way? What could I possibly have in common with her?" Her genuine confusion made me laugh and I expected her to glare at me when her eyes met mine but she only smiled. How peculiar.

"You could care to learn from her. I don't expect it to be long before you and Issac are giving us grandchildren. Having another friend who understands the responsibilities of being a mother and married to someone in business is good for you." 

I could sense where this conversation was going and took a hefty sip of my wine.

"To my understanding, Mrs. Harrington has always had a relationship with business outside of her husband. I am acting head of Lewis Industries I don't think I need Issac to remind me what it's like."

Her father scowled at her, "the woman writes books filled with filth Charlotte she's hardly someone you should admire but that doesn't mean she isn't an asset.  Her business sense is fierce it's a shame it was wasted and when you and Issac are married you will no longer be the acting head. Your duties will be a wife and a wife supports her husband without question."

"Nevermind that Darling," her mom interrupted. "Just make a good impression on her, the rest will follow."

Charlotte sighed before picking up a breadstick, her mother smacking it out of her hand immediately. "No carbs before the wedding dearest. I could tell when you walked in here that your hips are filling out."

Char took in a sharp breath and I grabbed her hand under the table, her squeezing it in return. I leaned in to kiss her cheek before whispering in her ear, "I'll stop by that bakery you like on the way home. You can have all the carbs you want with me."

She smiled blinking away the tears steadily forming in her eyes before mouthing thank you.


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