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                             Pandora's Box.


I'd found myself in quite the predicament. For years I imagined what it may have been like to wake up next to Leila. I wondered whether she preferred to rest her head on a silk pillowcase instead of covering her hair. I wondered if her eyes twitched in her sleep and if she was a cover hog that didn't understand personal space.

I was right about her being a cover hog. I spent the entire night shivering, but she'd make up for it whenever she rolled over on top of me bringing the covers with her. She was a wild sleeper and I smiled tenderly at the woman next to me finally understanding why she refused to ever spend the night with me while we were younger.

Her hand smacked my arm as she turned to face me and her eyes slowly opened. She yawned, stretching quickly to glance around the room before realizing we were in fact sharing a bed. I was shirtless, she was wearing my shirt and I had to hold back a laugh as she remembered last night.

"Good morning," I smiled, still watching her adjust to the sunlight spilling into the bedroom.

"Morning," her voice was low and a little scratchy. She groaned and set up patting her hair to find that it was frizzy and damp. "So much for second-day hair," she sighed into the sheets.

She glanced at me and smiled but it quickly turned into a frown, "this isn't you and Charlotte's room is it?" She looked like she was ready to jump out of the bed depending on my answer.

"No, this is the guest room." I watched as the breath she'd been holding finally released and she ran a hand through her tangled hair. She was beautiful when she woke up, if only I had my camera ready.

"I'm sorry again for inconveniencing you, I didn't think I would get like that after having two drinks." She smacked her forehead in shame.

Leila hadn't answered my question last night. She was still concerned about my current feelings for Charlotte and didn't feel comfortable telling me anything that may have made my decision more complicated. It was convenient considering she just blew up my entire life but drew the line at possibly getting in the way of me getting back with my cheating ex.

She asked for a drink instead so I took her to the kitchen and poured her a glass of whiskey, (the only thing I had) realizing after the fact that it may have been too strong for her. She wasn't even halfway through the second glass before she was spilling her heart out confessing how awful it was to see me with Charlotte and how she wanted to rip up the wedding invitations when they came to her parent's house.

She was furious at me for even thinking about getting married but more upset with herself for missing the opportunity to be the bride.

"Do you know how difficult it is to date when you're pining after your best friend? I couldn't even have a casual hook up without picturing your smug face."

"Yeah, I think I understand," was my response, and her brows crinkled before she let her head fall onto the table.

"Oh, I'm awful. I should've told you how I felt right after you kissed me."

"Which time?" I was having entirely too much fun teasing her but I just couldn't help myself.

She groaned a little louder, "both. When we were at the lake when we were seventeen and when we—" She trailed off.

"When we?"

"When we—" She put a hand over her mouth and gagged before running to the bathroom.

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