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Jeremy Foster Is More Than A Self-Proclaimed Fixer-Upper.


It had been a few days without speaking to Issac and they were starting to take their toll on me. I'd always hated having arguments with him and would always break and apologize within an hour of not speaking to each other but things were different.

We'd gone five years without speaking to one another, a few days no longer felt like an eternity.

With the new issue underway there wasn't much time for me to dwell on our differences though. My attention needed to be on the magazine to ensure everything went as planned but as I sorted through the photos Anna had left on my desk this morning my mind wouldn't stop wandering.

My life was never pre-planned as Issac's was. Growing up I had full intentions of working with my parents in some capacity. They never pressured me and encouraged me to seek out other interests but when I got my hands on the magazine on my twenty-first birthday I was sold.

It was a grueling job but I adored it and I was more than grateful this opportunity wasn't forced on me but one I accepted with open arms.

Issac never had a choice and he must've been torn to pieces about finally tasting an ounce of freedom only to be pulled back into his lie of a life with the threat of a child.

I couldn't pretend like I understood what he was going through but I could stand to be less abrasive in my decision making, he was right about that.

I tossed the photos aside and pulled out a copy of the national geographic magazine Issac was featured in. I smiled while my fingers ran across the pages of the pictures he took, still amazed by how talented he was.

"He's a show-off isn't he?" I laughed and closed the magazine before setting it aside.

"The biggest." I gestured to the seat in front of me and Jeremy smiled before walking toward it. "Your assistant, Anna is it? She's very beautiful. She isn't seeing anyone by any chance?"

I rolled my eyes. Jeremy was fun no doubt but I couldn't see him and Anna working out in the slightest. She was a hopeless romantic and he was well hopeless.

"I like you Jeremy but I love her so if you even think about—"

He raised his hands in defeat with an annoyingly perfect smile dripping off his lips, "I'd have nothing but the best intentions for your dear friend Leila. I can be quite the romantic when I want to be you know."

That may have been so but the last person I wanted him to test that theory on was Anna. "Uhuh, what can I do for you, Jeremy?"

He leaned back in his chair eyes dancing back and forth from me to my desk. I studied him for a few seconds before raising a brow to signal I was still waiting for his answer.

"How are you?" He finally spoke. I shrugged and tossed him the working issue for the magazine. He grazed over it before setting it aside. "Beautiful pictures, easy to follow, couple that makes you feel something, though the article could use a little shaping."

It was just as I thought. We got a few new writers in the department and they were still trying to adapt their style to that of Wright Designs. Usually, I'm very forgiving and allow the transition period to linger but I couldn't afford it this time of year. They would just have to buckle up and sacrifice.

"That's what I thought. I'll have to have a meeting with the writing department, to see how I can make them more comfortable while staying a little ahead of schedule."

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