Chapter 60

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Evie's POV:

"Movies and junk food it is!" Luke and Ashton chirp. I smile and sit down on the couch next to Michael.

"Did Louis apologize?" He asks and I nod "That's good"

"Pizza?" Luke asks and Michael nods.

"Fuck yes!"

"Keep yourself together, Mike" I giggle "It's only Pizza"

"MICHAEL WANTS ANOTHER SLICE" Ashton begins to sing, then Luke and Calum join in "MICHAEL WANTS ANOTHER SLICE" Then Michael joins in "MICHAEL WANTS ANOTHER SLICE. PIZZA PIZZA"

"You guys are crazy" I laugh "But I agree pizza is yum... So what we watching?"

"Twenty two jump street" Ashton says, picking up the DVD case from of the side in the kitchen.

"Okay, cool" I shrug.

"The pizza should be here in like fifthteen" Luke says, putting the room service phone down.


The pizza arrived, Ashton started the movie and right now everyone's eating and watching the TV screen. Currently it's just after half eight, which means the boys should be preforming now. The movies okay, basically it's all fuck this and fuck that and fuck you. Nice. I pull my knees up to my chest and continue watching the film.

"I'm bored" Luke groans, throwing a pizza crust into the box "Ashton can we do something else"

"You wanted the movie, Luke" Calum reminds him, then smirks when Luke pulls a face at him.

The phone "room service" phone starts to ring, Luke gets up and answers it.

"Hello?...yes" Luke facial expression changes "I don't think that's a good idea... Tell him she doesn't care... I don't give I flying fuck what he I won't control my language...for fuck sake...well it's either all of us, or none...I don't fucking believe this...right, okay" Luke puts the phone back down "No fucking way are you going down there"

"What?" I ask, already scared of the answer. My hearts racing, my heads spinning, and my breathings getting faster.

"Your step dads in reception, fucking douche" Luke snarls, I've never heard him talk like this before "How the hell has he found us"

"Paparazzi" Ashton reminds him.

"I better go, I don't want any issues" I sigh, putting my jacket on.

"Are you forgetting who this is? And why is he in Ireland anyway?"

"He has a home in Ireland, quite literally. He's probably brought my mum, and well found me" I gulp "Will one of you keep watch, incase anything happens" I whisper, and Michael grabs hold of my hand.

"We will all come" Calum says "We all love you too much, no way is he laying a hand on you without us getting involved"

"Thank you, you guys mean the world to me" I smile, and squeeze Michael's hand. I wish Niall was here.

"I wonder how we can get in contact with Niall" Ashton asks. As much as I want Niall, I don't want to worry him and make him leave a show in his home county.

"I-i don't want to worry him" I sigh, standing up, bringing Michael with me "Let's go"

We make our way to the lift, Michael still holding my hand. I don't get our relationship, we are best friends, even though it looks like we are a couple. I love him so much, but the love I have for Niall is different. The lift takes us down to the bottom floor and we walk out.

"You guys stay round there" I say, then pointing to where Andy was sitting "Keep an eye on us" I try to smile. Michael lets go of my hand and I slowly approach Andy.

"What do you want?" I ask, acting as confident of possible.

"Your coming home. Fucking final, girl" He says standing up "I've had enough of this fake life for you. Your mothers a miserable bitch without you and I never finished what I started" I smirks and I step back, only for him to grab my hand "If you start anything in here I mean it there will be fucking consequences. I want to just walk out with me" I snarls, his face twisted and foul.

"I'm going no where with you, Andy" I snarl back "You don't fucking own me"

"Don't talk to me like that. I do own you, I've raised you for fuck sake"

"You almost killed me"

"Well I wished I had of done, just so none of this would have happened" He spits "Now come with me"

My whole body is shaking with anger, my blood is boiling.

"If you don't come now, I'll kill your mother. I'm being fucking serious so don't even try me, love"

Why is this my life. Why does this have to happen to me. Why can't my life me normal. Why does it always end up with Andy getting his own way.

"Your sick" I spit, and he smirks knowing he's got to me "I'll come but I'm going to say bye to my friends" He lets out a laugh and nods. I run over to the guys, my eyes already watering.

"What's wrong?" Michael asks, pulling me to his chest and kissing the top of my head.

"I have to g-go" I tremble, then fall out of his grip to the floor "He threatened my mums life"

"We'll call the police, anything. Your not going" Luke says, looking down at me, his eyes already glazed .

"Wait, I can send you the address when I get there" I begin, standing up from of the floor "You'll find me..bring the police, fucking bring everyone"

"You can fucking count on us" Ashton smiles, a single tear rolling down his cheek "I'm so sorry this is happening"

"It's okay Ash. Just promise me you'll hurry" I try to smile, wiping my tears away.

"We promise" They all say. I give Michael one last look and walk back over to Andy who is smiling proudly. Like he's achieved something. When in actual fact he's done nothing like that.

The guys better hurry, I don't know how long it's gonna last before something happens.

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