Chapter 50

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I hope Santa brings you guys everything you want for Xmas;)


Well I hope you enjoy the update:))

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Evie's POV:

From: Ash

Do you mind coming into our bus on the way down to the next arena? X


To: Ash

Yea sure? But why?x

I wait a few moments and a new text comes threw.

From: Ash

Please just come? X


"Yea?" He says and I show him the messages "Are you going?"

"Well yea. Is that okay?" I say tucking my hair behind my ear.

"It's not down to me, it's up to you. I guess I'll see you when we arrive" he smiles, I guess I might have upset him.

"Sorry Niall. I'll make it up to you later, yea?" I smile and he shrugs.

"Told you Niall. She's probably going to go and fuck all of them" Brittany screeches, and I slam the door behind me. Bitch.

I walk over to 5SOS's bus and knock on the door. Ashton opens it, and gives me a strange look "Why do you look so pissed. Look you could have told me if-"

"It's not you or this its Brittany" I frown and walk inside the bus "Every time I'm with one of you guys or if I come into this bus, she always comes out with apparently whenever I'm with you guys I have sex. Ash what if Niall starts to believe that?"

"Why would he believe that?" Ashton frowns.

"I don't know, when I said I was coming into this bus he looked a little sad at me. I'm probably just being stupid. It's just Brittany. Anyway, what's up?"

"Michael. He won't come out of his bed"


"My exact question" Ashton says and scratches his head "Luke's trying to talk to him but he won't listen. Come with me" I follow Ashton into the bed area to where Luke was.

"Mikey, Evie's here" Ashton says.

"Why the fuck did you bring her?" A very annoyed voice says.

"Because you won't fricking talk to us!" Ashton shouts "Sorry"

"Luke, Ash just go away for a minute" I say and they both nod walking away.

"Go on what have I done wrong" I frown and he looks at me.

"It's not what you've done wrong, it's what I've done wrong and what we've done wrong"

"If your talking about that kiss-"

"I'm talking about that and other things" Michael frowns.

"Look we kissed so what, it was a great kiss, I liked you and you hopefully liked me back. Look you don't need to-"

"I'm not upset over that Evie. I've had some pretty harsh things said to me. Look we just shouldn't be friends anymore"

"What?" I ask, almost taken away from what he just said "Is this Brittany's work?" I almost shout. Michael looks away and I'm taking it as a yes "You no what Michael. Fine. Let's not be friends. Bye" I shout and storm away "I'm going to fucking kill her" I scream.

"What? Who?" Ashton says, putting both of his hands on my shoulder preventing me from moving.

"Brittany" I frown and squirm out of Ashton's grip.

"Evie? Hold up" Ashton shouts after me, but I ignore him and walk up to 1D's tour bus door, I knock and wait inpatiently.The door opens and Ashton grabs hold of my hand.

"Evie?" Niall asks and looks down at where Ashton's and my hand are "What? Em" He says looking a little shocked. I take my hand out of Ashton's, and storm past Niall.

"WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU SAID TO MICHAEL" I scream, and Brittany looks shocked.

"Excuse me, inside voice please. And why would I want to talk to that dick?"

"I'm going to ask you one last time, what have you said to him?" My voice comes out stern, and my fists start to scrunch up.

"Some advice" She smirks, and stands up.

"Tell me"

"Nope" she says popping the 'p's "But I told him about you, and what I can see in you. And he believed it all. The fact that you only want to be friends with him for sex, because you can't get it from Niall, stuff that you said bout his looks and voice"

"I've never said anything like that" I choke.

"Exactly" She smirks, but this time I loose it and jump on her, slowly being pulled back by two arms.

"Stop" The Irish voice speaks calmly, and pulls me into his arms. The tears start to form in my eyes and I bury my head into Niall's chest "Ash, go back to your bus, leave Mike we'll talk to him later" Niall says and the door shuts shortly after "C'mon babe, we'll go into the bed area"

I nod and we walk over to Niall's bed and sit in it. Niall draws the curtains and turns on the light "We will sort it out with Mike, don't worry"

"Niall he said we can't be friends anymore, God knows what else Brittany said to him" I say, and Niall brings me onto his lap.

"Don't worry, we will sort this out. You know how much Michael cares for you, he just gets really self conscious about himself"

I nod, and let out a yawn "Go to sleep" Niall says.

"Will you stay here though?" I ask, and Niall nods. I get off his lap and lie down on the bed, soon falling into a slumber.

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