Chapter 39

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4.2k this is incredible:D thank you so much!!


Enjoy the update:) and don't forget to vote - 30 more and I'm at my goal:,)


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Evie's POV:

"Well now two people fancy Evie out of 5 Seconds Of Summer. Shoot" Calum says, probably realizing he shouldn't have said that due to him hands going straight to his mouth.

"What do you mean?" I ask, running my fingers through Luke's hair.

"Calum you shouldn't have said that" Luke says, trying to sit up. I slightly push his head back down with my hand "Luke you need to rest, stay down" I say resting my hands in his hair again "Calum what do you mean?"

"I'm was joking" Calum says, trying to laugh.

"That was not a joke" Niall says standing up and waking away from Michael and over to Calum.

"Niall it's fine. I don't mind if it was a joke or not. It's fine" I say, not realizing what I had said before they had come out of my lips. I can tell this has just annoyed him, by the way his body tensed.

"Really?" Ashton says, looking a strange shade of red "In fact doesn't matter"

"Look, Luke, I don't fancy Evie. Yea, I have feelings for her, but she's my best friend" Michael says, now going a shade of red.

"C'mon Luke we need to get you to bed" I say lifting Luke's head of my lap and standing up.

"I don't wanna do to bed" Luke says, reaching for my hand I had offered him.

"We will come and help" Calum says, Ashton and Michael agreeing.

I take Luke into the bunk are. It was different to 1Ds bed area, it was smaller but had more room.

"For god sakes, Luke. Go to sleep and you'll be back to normal tomorrow" Michael sighed as Luke threw his blanket onto the floor.

"I'm not dealing with this anymore" Ashton says, stepping around Calum and out of the bunk area.

"Evie..?" Luke asks, looking around and then catching eye contact with me.

"Yes, Luke?" I ask.

"Your really pretty" he says and then looks away "Really pretty" he mummers, so only I could hear him.

"Luke stop acting like a baby" Michael says as I pick up his blanket from off the floor spreading it across him "If you throw this off one more time I swear down I'll staple this god for saken thing to you"

"I'm not acting like a baby" He says, frowning.

"Okay Mick" Michael says, reminding me of the name change.

"I really need to go its ten" I say checking my phone.

"Evs" Michael says through gritted teeth, while Luke began to sing, awfully.

"Fine" I hissed, crossing my arms "It's only because your my best friend. Hey I have a game Luke, okay? You have to keep you eyes closed until tomorrow"

Luke stops and looks at me funnily "What? I don't wanna"

"Do what Evie says" Michael said.

"Evie's not the boss of me"

Michael pulls my arm and pulls me into the bathroom. He begins to rummage through the cupboards and mumbles to him self "Yes! I found some. How do I give it to him?"

"Warm some milk up and put the tablet in that. That's what I used to do"

"What do you mean?" Michael says, furrowing his eyebrows at me.

"When things got tough at home. Look I don't want to talk about it" I say, my breathing starting to increase.

"Hey, hey, hey! Your okay" Michael says cupping my face with his hands. I close my eyes and let the tears that built up in my eyes fall. Michael wipes them away with his thumbs.

"Thanks. We better go and sort Luke out" I say as my breathing started to go back to normal.

We warmed a cup of milk up for Luke and added the tablet.

"What if he's knows?" Michael asks, stirring the milk.

"He's on laughing gas, he's doesn't know anything" I said as we walked over to Luke "Hey Luke we made you some warm milk" I say as Luke sits up to acknowledge us, his general perfect quiff sticking all over the place.

"Really?" He reached for the cup and drank in down in one.

"Now we wait" I say, as I take the cup back, watching Luke stick a cushion up his top.

"Is this was parenting his really like?" Michael asked.

I shook my head.

Ten minutes later Luke was sprawled across the bed, flat out.

"Thank god!" Michael sighed as he followed me out of the bunk area and into the lounge.

"Where are the rest of the boys?" I ask taking my phone out of my pocket.

"Cowards" Michael says, throwing a piece of white paper into the bin "They've gone out to a club with the 1D boys"

"I know. Louis just texted me. What do you wanna do. Are you going to go to the club?" I ask, hopping he wouldn't leave me. I hate being left alone.

"Why do I look like a party person. I would but no, I don't really wanna go, plus I don't wanna leave you alone" he shrugged.

"Thanks. Wanna watch a film or something?" I ask, patting the couch next to me, Michael walks over and sits down putting the movie channel on.

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