Chapter 73 - Final

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I had finished drying my hair, after taking a shower. I couldn't do anything else with it because my make up , hair brush, CLEAN clothes were all in One Direction's room.

"Hey, Michael?" I say, as he walks out of the bathroom.

"Yea?" he replies.

"I need to go and get my things out of 1D's room"

"Do you want to go on your own. Or do you want me to come with you?" He asks.

"I think I might go by my self..I suspect that Harry will probably want to speak to me" I say, Michael nods and pulls out some clothes from his suitcase "Ill see you after?"

"See you after..and good luck?" He smiles, I smile back and leave the room. I grab my phone and walk over to the door.

A very big part of me doesn't want to see Niall, but a very small part of me hopes I will see him.

I knock on the door and Louis opens it, giving me a sympathetic look.

Niall was no where to be seen, and nearly everyone asked if I was okay, or gave me a sympathetic look.

"Please, for god sakes, stop asking if I'm okay! I'm not okay, and I just don't want to talk about it okay. I'm just going to get my things and go" I sigh, tears starting to form "I'm hurting" I cry.

Harry walks over to me and pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head.

"He's in the shower, if you hurry you might not see him" Harry mutters "Do you want some help?"

"No, no its fine" I say, walking into the room where my stuff was.

Tears started to form again, as I packed my items. When I say form, I mean my face was literally wet from them.


"Hey" A Irish voice speaks, but sounding a lot more deeper then usual.

"I'm s-sorry I'll be done in a m-minute" I stutter, tears still falling.

"Are you crying?" He asks, and I almost want to laugh at the question. I hear foot steps walk over, and I flinch when a hand is put on my shoulder "Sorry" He says, removing it "Can we at least talk...please I just want you to hear me out"

"F-fine, and Niall of course I'm fucking crying, you've broke me" I stutter, standing up and sitting on the bed. As I look at Niall, I could see that he has been crying, his eyes are bloodshot and very puffy.

"I didn't intend for anything like this to happen" He begins.

"Just like the last time Niall!" I shout "This is exactly what you fucking said the last time...I'm finding it very hard to believe!"

"Evie! Just hear me out" He calmly tries to say.

"Give me a reason why I should?" I spit "You've broken me for the second time, and its not fair anymore! I didn't sleep well last night, because I was fucking worried about MY boyfriend, who was FUCKING another girl" I shout "Niall do you see me kissing other guys and having sex with other guys while we have been together?" I shout "Leaving today as an exception"

"What do you mean while we have been together, have you..?" He begins, and thank god he shook is head like it was a silly idea "I'm really not bothered about the kiss, I deserved that.." Niall sighs "If I'm going to be truthful, hear me okay? I don't know why I did it, all I know is that all I could think of was you. You. My journey back to here this morning I constantly had you on my mind, trying to think of an appropriate way to tell you how fucked up I was last night, its when it sunk in that I new I had lost you, I just didn't know what to do. And now its finally happened, and that I have lost the one thing in my life that is to damn special to me, I just don't know what emotion I am feeling. All I know is that I'm dead inside"

"I just wish it wasn't this bad..I just wish I could forgive you. Niall this time its going to take me a while to forgive know that right. I love you so damn much, but its over" I sigh, tears starting to form. I get up from of the bed "I respect that you were going to tell me, but at the moment I can't do this. You've broken me for the second time, and its not fair" I say walking over to my suitcase and over to the door.

"I love you" He tries to smile, tears running down his cheeks "I've lost you, but I'll carry on loving you baby"

"And I love you too...It was the best while it lasted...I guess in the end we just weren't made for each other...and I guess all of this is just 'Our Story'" I smile, tears now falling down my face as I shut the door behind of me. It was just Our Story I suppose, and I enjoyed it.


O h  my  f u c k i n g  g o d
A y e a r a n d a h a l f

i finished        73 chapters    thank you so so so much for reading it.
I hope it was actually a good book lmao.

Oooooo and btw I'm currently writing a Michael Clifford fan fiction. I've not updated any of it, but I was wondering if you'd read it? I've wrote like nine chapters, and I'm gonna carry on. It won't be as long as this book. Maybe about 20-30 chapters idk.

thanks again for voting and commenting.

I love you all..... Isabella x

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