Chapter 8

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Evie's POV:

I can't believe that I told Gemma what happend. When I had finished telling her everything. I looked at her face. It was an expression that I had never seen before, someone who cared. I was glad I told her about my secret. She pulled me in a hug and we cried together.

When we pulled away, she looked at me.

"I can't believe he did that to you. What about your mum, did she do anything about it?" She asked.

"Nothing" I replied "She couldn't stop him, he was his own man" I said.

"Was that why you were crying last night?" She asked.

"No" I replied.

"Why did you call for Niall?"

"Gemma, I felt safe around him last night, he made me feel like everything had gone away" I replied.

"On to a serious note, why didn't you tell anyone"

"I was to scared" I admitted.

"Scared of people knowing?" She asked.

"I was scared that Andy was going to kill me" I whispered.

"Evie, I know your going to hate me, but I think you should tell someone else?" Gemma said.

"There is no way I'm telling Des"

"Well maybe you should tell Harry and the other boys..." Gemma suggested.

"No, they will think I'm a freak!" I told her.

"Evie, at least tell Harry"

"No you don't know the abuse I've gone through! You have a loving dad that cares for you. I have had no one throughout my whole life. No ones cared if I died. No one cares my step-father smashed my head into a mirror. NO ONE!" I shouted.

My body shook with every sob that came from me. Gemma sat beside me and said "I care, and Niall defiantly cares about you"

"Thank you" I replied, convinced she was telling the truth.

"Evie, we are going to hang out with the boys today, it's that ok?" She asked.

I nodded and said 'I'm just going to have a shower"

I had a quick shower, and pulled my black skinny jeans on and the white top I was wearing before. I left my hair down. And put some mascara on and foundation on the fading bruises and cuts.

"Hey" Gemma shouts from the stairs "I have something for you to wear.

I walked over to the stairs. She was holding the most beautiful black leather jacket. Something that I have wanted for a very long time. I walked down the stairs to where she was.

"Here" Gemma said while handing me the jacket.

Gemma drove us to Harry and Louis flat, where the boys were.

"Do you think Niall told the boys about, you know last night" I asked.

"He's not that sort of boy, Evie" She replied, full of confidence.

I felt nervous when we reached the door. Before Gemma could knock, Louis opened it and pulled Gemma into a hug. Then going on to me.

"Louis that's enough" Gemma said, because she knew he was now hurting me. Louis stopped and ran into the living room, where me and Gemma followed and saw all the boys.

"Hey Evie" Liam's said from of the sofa.

"Hi Liam" I replied.

"Hi Evie" Harry said while walking over to me and giving me an awkward hug. At least he's trying to be friends with me.

"Hi Harry" I said when he let go of the hug. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"What's up Evie!" Zayn shouted.

"Hey Zayn!" I replied back.

I didn't see Niall, before I could ask "kitchen" Liam says.

"Ahh, ok" I replied. I walked into the kitchen and could see Niall was on his phone.

"Hello Niall" I said.

He spun around with a huge smile on his face. Wait, he was happy to see me?

"I'm glad, I mean we are glad we get to hang out with you"

"I'm glad too, I erh just wanted to say thanks for last night, that was really nice of you" I said feeling my cheeks go red.

"It's no problem, I was just happy to help. Niallers here to save the day... Well night" he says.

"Is that your nickname? Nialler" I ask.

"Yeah, well that's what the fans and the boys call me" he replied. The fans?

We both walked into the living room. And guess what all eyes on me and Niall. I noticed that Louis elbowed Zayn and they both started sniggering. I rolled my eyes and sat next to Liam, and Niall sat beside me on the right.

"So who wants to play questions/truth or dare?" Louis asks.

I shrugged. And yeah all the questions were fired at me.

"How tall are you?"

"Is it weird to be Harry's and Gemma's sister?"

"How come you have wavy hair and not curly?"

"Wow, calm down! And Liam to answer your question I'm 5'4" I said.

"Hey Niall look she's smaller than you!" Louis teased.

"Shut up" Niall growled back.

"And yeah it is weird to be Harry's and Gemma's sister, I guess" I answered looking at Harry.

"And Niall I don't know why my hairs wavy and not curly. I've always wanted curly hair" I said.

"Hey Evie I have a question... Do you like carrots?" Louis asked looking very serious. (Yeah I know that's an old joke, but idc because yeah;))

"Course Louis!" I replied.


Things just got awkward.

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