Chapter 25

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By the way, Harry goes a bit dark towards everyone. He won't stay like it, but I've decided to experiment with his emotions:)

Evie's POV:

"Well I'm stuffed" Michael moans, throwing his head back on his seat.

"Me too" I agree... Wait Harry "Um, I need to go" I say, looking at Niall, who nods.

"I'll come with you" He replies, pulling the money out to pay for mine and his meal "guys tell me if there isn't enough there, I'll give it you later"

Ashton nods, and I stand up, following Niall out of the restaurant.

We walk the way we came, and over to the lifts.

"I've done this to him" I whisper, tears brimming on the edge of my eyes.

"No you haven't!" Niall reassures, while we walk into the lift.

"Yes I have. I shouldn't have told him. I should have left it. I shouldn't have told anyone, kept it a secret. Maybe" I say, tears starting to trickle down my face.

"Babe, look it's fine, you needed to tell us, we need to keep you safe. What if something was to happen ey, what then. Look it's not your fault, Harry's just reacted a little different to how the rest of us had reacted, and quite frankly I wouldn't blame him. Evie he loves you, and cares for you very deeply. It's not your fault, and no way should you have kept this a secret. C'mere little one"

I walk over to him, letting him wrap his arms around me, while I put my head on his chest, slowly making me stop crying.

"Thank you" I say, walking out of the lift, and grabbing Niall's hand.

We walk over to the far side of the corridor, hand in hand.

"Finally!" Louis moans, while opening the door after Niall knocked.

"What am I supposed to do Lou?" I ask.

"Just talk to him I guess. He's not exactly in a good mood after the argument"

"Wait you had an argument with him?" Niall asks.

"Yeah, he stormed off into one of the rooms and we haven't heard from him since"

"Hold on, should Evie be left alone with Harry. I mean what about if he says something or does something he'll regret to her" Liam says, walking to the door.

"I'll be fine. It's my fault he's like this anyway" I say, Niall may have said that it wasn't my fault, but it was.

"Evie" Niall says "no it's isn't your fault"

I shake my head, and walk inside of our hotel room "What room is Harry in Zayn?"

"The one at the far end" Zayn says, while walking over to me "follow me"

I nod, and follow him toward the furthest door "good luck, remember if anything happens we are right out here ok, just shout"

I nod and slowly open the door. Well I'm guessing Harry likes to be in the dark when he's upset.

"Who is it?" A husky voice speaks.

"Evie. Harry what's wrong, I thought you were ok. Why did you have a argument with the rest of the boys?"

"You know about that"

I couldn't tell what emotion Harry was talking through, all I knew was he was annoyed, and I didn't feel safe.

"Can I put the light on please" I ask.

"Your scared of the dark" Harry laughs, I could tell he had stood up at this point, because I could see a outline of a person slowly walking over to me.

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