Chapter 35

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( Matt )

This is a lucky update because I'm ill. I have no idea how this chapter has turned out because I haven't edited it properly, but I think it looks okay.


I want to say thank you for 3.4k+ reads! you guys are amazing.


And I want to say congrats to my uncle kris and his girlfriend Cat, who gave birth to a wonderful baby girl Abigail this morning, and also congrats to them both as he also proposed to her today. Love you both:)


Anyway enjoy the update


Ashton's POV

How do I finish this?

"I, in fact you don't need to know, it's not about you.." I trail of, scratching the back of my neck. I can't tell her.

"Well Ashton, I'm glad, but seriously you need to stop being such an idiot around me. One minute you nice and really friendly and the next your cold towards me. If your going to continue having mood swing around me, Ash your going to lose my friendship. And whatever this 'secret' is, don't let it wreck our friendship please. Because your seriously making me feel down"

"Evie I'm so sorry" I frown, standing up "I promise it won't cause any problems anymore"

You wish my subconscious adds.

"Okay Ash, I believe you"

"Ashton, for god sakes man what are you doing here" Calum shouts running over to us.

"Is Michael still with Matt?" Evie asks, looking around probably for Michael.

"Yeah, and it looks pretty awkward" Luke grins sheepishly.

"Okay I better go, I'll follow Michael back to the bus" she smiles, running back the way we had come.

"You didn't tell her did you?" Calum asks, putting his hand in my shoulder.

"I can't" I frown, "I was so close"

Evie's POV:

"Hey guys" I smile.

"You sorted your 'problem' out with Aiden?"

"Ashton" I giggle "And yeah I hope so"

"Oh right, yeah Ashton"

"Did he tell you the secret?" Michael asks cocking up his eyebrow at me.

"No, he said it didn't involve me, he almost told me but" I shrug.

"Evie if you coming we better go" Michael says, grabbing my arm.

"You can hang around if you want?" I smile at Matt, trying to stand my ground while Michael tries to pull me.

"I'll come back tomorrow, I have a hotel. And Evie Happy Birthday" Matt smiles, he remembered.

"Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow" I smile back letting Michael pull me.

"He seems alright" Michael says.

"We just need to get Niall to meet him" I sigh.

"Well you left me with him, and I had to speak to him, and he seems nice enough" Michael shrugs "I'm sure Niall will agree he's okay"

"Maybe" I sigh following him inside of the 1D tour bus.

"I'll be in the other bus, see you in a few" Michael smiles closing the door behind of him, while I take my shoes off.

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