Chapter 61

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I'm so so so so damn sorry I took so long to update!

But here's chapter 61 :}

Evies POV:

...The guys better hurry, I don't know how long it's gonna last before something happens...


All I could do was glare at my mother as I walked into the holiday home Andy had. She tried to smile at me, but I wasn't taking it. They've wrecked my life again. I had made my way to the toilet, to hopefully send the address before Andy or my mother realized I had a phone on me.

I had no wifi, so I'm totally relying on the Internet, which totally sucks right now. The address finally loads on maps and I screen shot it.

To: Mikey


"EVIE" Obversely Andy calls from downstairs "DOWNSTAIRS. NOW"

I make my way out of the bathroom and slowly make my way down the hideous carpeted stairs.

My father gestured for me to come over to him "Your supposed to smile at your mother when she smiles at you. Remember that in future" He snarls, his huge hand then comes in contact with my cheek, nearly knocking me of my own feet due to the impact and the surprise. Nice to see he's still the same. My cheek instantly starts to sting and my eyes begin to water "Give me one good reason girl why that half brother of yours and that boyfriend" the word boyfriend coming out sarcastic "knows what happened to you"

"I told them. What are you gonna do? Hit me again? Kill me? Fuck it, do what you want. YOU CAN FUCKING BURN IN HELL YOU PHYSCO" As soon as physco come out of my mouth he grabbed me by my shoulder, taking me to a door under the stairs. The cellar. With one push, it went black.


Consciousness finally came back to me. I had fallen down a flight of stairs, knocking my self out. Darkness was all to be seen. Grabbing my phone out of my back pocket I turned the flashlight on. He's actually locked me in the cellar.

It's one in the morning, and I'm debating whether or not anyone's actually coming for me. I had Internet access down here, but I don't think it's enough to make a decent phone call without it breaking up. What am I going to do. I know I've got a cut on my head, because it fucking hurts, and there's blood on my fingers when I touch it.

Andy and my mum should be in bed now, maybe it's worth trying to phone someone. I decide to dial Niall.

It rings once and Niall answers.

"EVIE?" He practically shouts.

"Yea, it's me" I whisper.

"I'm coming to get you baby don't worry" His words make me smile, and my eyes start to water.

"Please hurry, Nialler" I start to stutter.

"I promise you baby I'll be with you very soon. Are you in a bedroom?"

"N-no. H-he locked me in t-the cellar. I-it's dark and I'm f-freaked" I stutter, bringing my legs up to my chest, as something in the corner of made a noise.

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