Chapter 17

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Niall's POV:

"Niall-um, I"

"What's up?" I ask, sort of confused.

"I'm ready to start a relationship with you" Evie whispers, looking directly into my eyes. I wave of excitement hit my body. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Seriously, you want to be my girlfriend" I looked at her directly into her beautiful green eyes.

"Yes Nialler!"

I couldn't stop my self from hugging her, I was so happy.

Evie's POV:

My embarrassment took control when I said I want to start a relationship. It all went away when he hugged me. I was happy. I look up and him, while he looks down at me. Are faces move closer until we are about a centimetre apart. I smiled, I could see he was smiling too, until are lips crashed against each other's. Tingles, sparks and pretty much everything else ran throughout my body. I smiled in the kiss.

"When are we going to break the news to the boys?" Niall asks.

"Not yet, we could tell them later. I want to tell Gemma first. If that's ok"

"What ever you want little one" I quickly peck his lips, and grab his hand.

"C'mon let's go, you need to go and sort out the tour bus" I say.

"Ok, ok, let's go"

Harry's POV:

I wonder why Evie needed to talk to Niall, and why they are taking so long. I don't really think I've been listening to Paul about the bus, or sleeping arraignments, I've just been nodding.

"Hazza, you ok?" Liam asks, tapping my shoulder.

"Yeah, where's Niall and Evie?"

"Their coming now, I can see them" Lou replies "WE ARE IN HERE!" Louis shouts at them, while they start to jog over.

"Sorry Paul" Niall says while climbing on the bus with Evie.

"It's fine, we have already talked about what I've just gone through before"

"Ok, that's fine" Niall replies.

"Evie, you can sleep on 1D's bus, or 5SOS's bus" Paul asks Evie.

"I'd prefer to sleep with 1D" Evie replies.

"You boys ok with that?"

"Yeah" Louis, Liam and Niall replies.

"Harry, Zayn? What about you two?" Paul asks us.

"Yeah, that's fine" Zayn replies.

"Yup, no problem" I reply.

"Well that's set. You guys can go home now, I'll see you at the weekend"

"Bye Paul" we all reply.

Evie's POV:

So me and Niall are dating. I'm going on tour with the biggest boy band on the planet, and staying in the same bus as them.

"Hey there" Luke and Michael says as they jump in my face.

"Hey you two"

"Will you come in our car this time?" Mike asks.

"Who's going to be in the car?" I ask.

"Me, Mike and Ash, Cals going with Niall and Liam"

"Ok sure" I reply.

"I'm sitting in the back with Evie" Michael says, while grabbing my hand and rushing me out of the bus, me being me, I end up tripping over Michael, and end up on his back on the floor.

I don't understand why it was so funny! The boys and the rest of 5SOS crack up with laughter, even Michael was laughing.

"Pass me your hand little one" Someone laughs, by the term 'little one' I knew it was Niall.

I grab it and get up from of Michael, "You ok?" Niall asks.

"Yes, are you ok Michael?" I ask, while he stands up.

"Yeah I'm fine, it was quite funny actually" Michael laughs.

"Who's car are you going in?" Harry asks.

"um, I'm going with Mike, Luke and Ash" I reply.

"Ok that's fine" Harry replies.

I smile and walk in a opposite direction with Mike, Luke and Ash, towards Ashton's car.

We all get in the car and fasten our seat belts. Gosh I'm so tired. I put my head on Michaels shoulder and check twitter. My eyes begin to get heavy, so I turn my phone off, keeping my head on Michaels shoulder.

"You ok down there?" Mike asks.

"Yeah, I'm just really tired"

I could feel my eyes starting to close, letting myself fall into a sleep.

Michaels POV:

I could see Evie was drifting into a sleep. Her head was on my shoulder. When I finally realised she was asleep I moved her head onto my lap.

"Hey Mike, is she asleep?" Luke asks.

"Yeah, she's flat out" I reply.

"How we gonna get her out of the car, we almost at Harry's?" Ash asks.

"I'll just have to carry her out, the boys are behind us anyway" I say, Evie was light anyway so I'm guessing it won't be hard to carry her.

"Ok Mikey" Ash replies.


I slowly take Evie's seatbelt of her, trying my very best not to wake her, then slowly taking my seatbelt of and opening the door. I move Evie up onto my lap so it would be easier to pick her up while I was getting out. I slowly get out bringing Evie with me into a bridle style carry.

"I'm a pro!" I say.

"Congrats on not waking her" Luke jokes.

"Shut it man" I reply.

"Oi Harry, your sisters asleep, open the door for us then" Ashton shouts.

"I'm surprised she can sleep with the amount of noise you guys make, hey Mike are you ok carrying her into the front room?" Harry asks.

"Sure mate, no probs"

"Is she asleep?" Niall shouts over to me, while he gets out of the car.

"Yeah, she fell asleep on my shoulder in the car" I reply " I didn't want to wake her"

I follow the boys, while carrying Evie into the front room.

"Um guys I need the toilet, can someone take Evie?" I ask.

Niall's POV:

"Um guys I need the toilet, can someone take Evie?" Michael asks.

"I will" I blurt out, I carefully take Evie out of Michaels arms and carry her over to the sofa, where I sit down and let her rest on me.

"Awe you guys" Louis says "you'd be the sweetest couple ever"

We are a couple.

"Let's watch a movie" Gemma says while she walks in "awe you too" she also says when her eyes clock eyes on me and Evie.

"Let's watch Men in Black" Louis suggests

"I don't even care, just put in on Lou" Gemma replys.

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