Chapter 49

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Sorry I've taken to long to update, I feel bad. I've just been ill, and I've been to Berlin with my history class, so I haven't really had time to update because I've not been in the UK. But here's an update:) xo

Ashton's Spotify playlist though, it's perf👌

Evie's POV:

"Evie? Are you-"

"Niall?" I speak, completely ignoring Harry "Are you okay, he shouldn't had touched you. I'm sorry it's my fault"

"Evie it's not your fault. I'm fine, see?" Niall smiles and walks over to me "Are you okay?"

"I can tell you one thing, I'm defiantly going to get a bruise on this cheek now. I've been hit twice in the same place in a matter of one night" I frown, my hand touching my cheek.

"What do you mean twice in one night. Did Luke-"

"No Niall! There was some guy in the park and he hit me" the thought of Niall thinking that one of his best friend hit me, didn't make me happy.

"What did-"

"He came at me, and then I shouted for Luke, and the guy slapped me. It's fine, Luke sorted him out" I half smile, but frown at Niall's frown "When can I go?"

"I don't know. I'll go and get a nurse" Harry says, and the door opens then closes. I walk over to the hospital bed and sit down, grabbing my phone from off the coffee table thing.

From: Hemmo🐧

We are all worried, hope your ok! X

From: Mikey

Are you okay? I'm worried:(

From: Ash

Mikes sad, hurry up and get better, yeah! Xxx

From: Calum

Niall won't reply. Are you ok?:(

"Niall what's wrong?" I ask, locking my phone, and looking over to him.

"Whenever you need me I'm never there. That's the problem"

"Niall I don't care about all that. All I know is I love you, and your here now. Can I have a hug, or are you going to frown in the corner?"

"I'll take the hug" He smiles and walks over, opening his arms.

"Evie Matthews?" A woman asks, opening the door. I let go of Niall and turn to face her smiling.

"Yes, that's me"

"Okay, your free to go. I just need to tell you a few things" She says and I nod "That headache that you had yesterday, your prone to them, after the tumour you had a couple of months back, don't worry you won't have them everyday and they are very rare, and the chances are very slim that you will receive another one. Don't worry, your healthy. I'll go and check you out, gather your things and you can leave"

"Thank you" I smile.

"Thanks doc" Harry says, while the doctor or nurse leaves the room "Alrighty are we off then?"

"Yea, how are we getting back. Crap aren't we leaving Manchester today?"

"Yep. And Gemma's flapping because she couldn't make it to the hospital and she wants to see you before we go in a few hours"

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