Daily Life

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"And how are you today, Patches?" Dream laughed, petting his cat slowly. He had just woken up, and yet the cat was already begging him for treats. At this point, he'd be running out rather quickly. Maybe the treats would last another week or so. Whatever, going outside C read my phone so don't touch it it's adoption it's adoption for 100 bucks adoption for 100 bucks that isn't really that bad wasn't an issue, just annoying.

He was moving rather slowly as he made his way to the kitchen, bending down and grabbing the bag of treats from the cabinet. "Patches!" Dream called, tossing a treat towards her. "Good girl for waking me up on time." He laughed a bit, his morning voice was deep but he didn't really care.

After putting the food away he quickly made his way back to his bedroom, turning on the TV in the living room on his way. It was a habit he'd gotten used to. Once he arrived in his bedroom, he found a green sweatshirt and some black sweats. It was around winter, and snowing during the nights.

He grabbed shoes and socks while making his way to the living room/kitchen area. He tossed the shoes to his couch as he poured a bowl of cereal. (Milk first Bc I say so). He sat down on the couch with the bowl of cereal in hand and spoon in hand as he watched the news.

Another criminal caught by the up-and-coming vigilante "BigInnit" who had received laser eyes as a power. Dream, on the other hand, was powerless. But still, he found the stories interesting. "You see that Patches? Another criminal was caught!" Dream laughed, talking to the cat as if it were human.

But still, he received a happy meow in response. He smiled, it was gentle and welcoming. "Many are wondering why and how this young vigilante has decided against becoming a hero and gaining permits, though many speculate-" Dream turned off the TV at that point, having finished his poor excuse of breakfast and done putting his shoes on.

He hurried to refill Patches water and food, now realizing how he didn't check earlier. "Sorry patches! I guess my mind was elsewhere.." Dream laughed, nervously scratching his neck, once again, as if the cat were human. He smiled when there was a quiet meow of a response.

After that, he quickly turned on the heater and turned to leave. It was a Monday, which meant he had work. He was a dispatcher at a local towing company. Many believed that normal jobs weren't fully needed, since powers came around, but he still got money. And in the end, he simply needed enough money to afford his apartment and feed himself and Patches.

He worked days. Starting at 9AM and leaving at around 11PM. Not that it bother him, of course. Patches could take care of herself, like she'd done all these years. She was already turning 5, which considering cat years- was rather impressive.

As Dream arrived at his work, sitting at his desk and waiting for any calls. It was rather simple work, truly. Other than when calls stacked up due to stupid truck drivers. That was never his fault, though.

As the other dispatcher came in he waved over, smiling a bit. She was a rather polite woman, going by the name of Puffy. She used to be a captain, and often compared stressful days to storms at sea. She was a colorful character with plenty of care in her heart. She had powers of water, which caused Dream to always ask why she wasn't a hero. She could certainly be one.

"Hey puffy! Still no hero license?" Dream was joking, of course, but yet something about the smirk she wore said it was more than that. "Actually.. I applied for one. I applied to be a sea guard." She smiled, causing shock to Dream. "Wait- Really?! Oh my god, you'll be such a good Hero!" Dream smiled, thinking of how amazing she would be as a hero.

"I applied under the hero name 'captain'. The name has a deep sense of value to me.." She laughed, still keeping the smile as she sat down. She was a cheerful person, and always brought smiles to those around her. Honestly, it's highly doubtful that she's ever even been upset.

"Well hey, when your more famous than NotFound, you better not forget me! Cap'n!" Dream and Puffy shared a laugh for a moment, smiles on both of their faces. It was early in the morning, and there weren't many calls. All they really had to do anyway was wait for calls and answer them when there were calls.

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