Never a hero, never a villain, forever vigilante

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Tommy wasn't a villain. He knew that. The world might not. But he did. Not that he was a hero, of course. He always made sure Wilbur, Techno, and Phil got away. Even if they were villains, he couldn't get them locked away.

// Two days earlier //

"LET ME GO, DAMNIT!" Tommy yelled, thrashing around in Phil's hold. "Mate, calm the fuck down! I just fucking saved you!" Phil whisper-yelled to the younger boy, slowly reaching the ground while holding the boy.

"Thanks for the help earlier, bud." An invisible hand was on Tommy's shoulder, before Wilbur appeared. "I hate your fucking invisiblity.." Tommy mumbled, crossing his arms. "And we hate that you're a vigilante. What's new?" Techno chimed in, walking over. The pink-skinned and pink-haired male always made Tommy's skin crawl.

"Well I'm sorry that I'm not a villain who does nothing but kill out of pure boredom!" Tommy put his arms in the air, glaring daggers through Techno. "Oh and you're so innocent?!" Wilbur yelled from the side, Walking to join Techno's side of the glare. "I'M MORE INNOCENT THAN ANY OF YOU MONSTERS!" Tommy yelled, the horns on his head expanded, and his tail popped out, blue eyes a burning gray.

Techno scoffed, As Phil and Wilbur laughed like the maniacs they were. "SAYS THE LITERAL DEMON BOY!" Wilbur poked Tommy's horn, getting a pout from the younger male. "It's not like I can stop it.." Tommy mumbled, holding in the tears that always threatened him during conversations of this.

"AND WE DO?!" Wilbur started yelling, before hearing Techno laugh. "WHAT THE FUCK ABOUT THIS IS FUNNY, PIGBOY?!" Wilbur glared at the male, earning a pig snort in return. "Oh nothing. I just started counting the number of times you've gotten into this fight. 666 times. Funny." Techno explained, the once laughing voice now monotone once more.

"Bye." Tommy let out, walking off. "WAIT JUST A FUCKING MINUTE!" Wilbur yelled, trying to pull Tommy back, before a force pushed him back.


"Wilbur. Leave your brother alone." Her voice echoed, as it always did. The goddess of death, their mother, who only favored Tommy. Maybe it was because he was the youngest. Or maybe sympathy. Who knows. "PHILZA MINECRAFT GET YOUR ASS IN HERE AND DEAL WITH MUMZA!" Wilbur yelled, glaring the woman who managed to hold a soft smile. The same dark hair, same white strands, but yet the two never got along.

"What the fuck do you mea-" 

"Hello Phil." Kristen turned around, long hair swaying behind her as she looked down at the male. Why the fuck was she so tall?! "..Kristen.. It's uhm- lovely to see you-" "CUT THE CRAP! SHE JUST LET TOMMY LEAVE!" Wilbur yelled at him, getting a laugh from Kristen. "Is it so wrong to give my baby boy what he wants?" Her smile was so misleading to her emotions. 

"Oh so NOW you want to get invested in Tommy's life?! Huh?! Because last time I checked, YOU SAID WE WERE MONSTERS, JUST AS HE FUCKING DOES!" Phil yelled, anger flowing through him.

"Maybe because mom's fucking right. It's nothing about being a damn hybrid, it's how you act through it." Tommy crossed his arms, still facing away. He hated this family, and it was obvious. "I couldn't have said it any better, Toms." Kristen walked over to the boy, kissing his forehead as she disappeared. "I'll be leaving. I'm not getting in another fucking fight. Be happy I haven't let you get caught." Tommy walked out, feeling as the horns and tail disappeared from his body.

He sighed, quickly running off. He used the ladders of outside apartments and made it to the top one, the abandoned one. "T- Tomsy..?" Tommy heard the young voice and ran in, picking up the small boy. "You alright buddy? You're crying.. Everything okay Tubs?" The young boy in his arms wiped the tears, a smile erupting as he whole-heartedly hugged Tommy.

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