News report of lies

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As the next day rolled around Dream was preparing for the day, turning on the news as he started to cook breakfast for himself. Eggs and Bacon. When he wasn't working, he made actual breakfasts and Dinners for himself.

"Yesterday the Vigilante BigInnit had almost been caught. Though moments before, a picture was taken of him hugging a male in a green sweater. We are to assume they are working together, though the male was also the one to almost get him caught. We are to consider the fact it may have been planned, and to be careful around said male." A picture was shown on the TV of Dream and BigInnit, earning a groan from Dream. "They actually think I'd work with that self-absorbed asshole.." He mumbled to himself, before hearing a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" He asked, leaving his eggs to cook and walking towards the door. It was the fucking hero's. "Hello!" NotFound smiled brightly, though his tone showed he was pissed. SapNap looked into the room, noticing the TV. "Oh. So you saw the new report, on Yourself." He hummed a bit. "Can I uh- Help you?" Dream scratched the back of his neck, visibly confused.

"We'd just liked to take you down to the police department, ask a few questions.. That's all." NotFound spoke in a happy tone, earning a sigh from Dream. "Look, honestly, I'm a powerless nobody who just got unlucky and had BigInnit cause a scene with. I don't fucking know him, and he just kept calling me 'bud' and claiming he was my idol." Dream rolled his eyes at his own words, hating to hear them said.

"Oh.." NotFound murmured, a glow in his eyes. "His eyes were obstructed by black and white goggles that he wore, a blue outfit matching. Sapnap wore an orange outfit, and a bandana. "And would you be willing to make that a statement against him? Messing with the life of innocent civilians isn't something a vigilante should be doing, now is it?" George did the majority of the talking, while Sapnap just stared.

"Yeah, and finding the location of an ASSUMED ally to a vigilante, who has stopped many crimes, and earned nothing for it, isn't something a hero should be doing.. Is it?" Dream had the same fake smile plastered on his face as George did.

George and Sapnap both scoffed, almost in union. "He's not stopping fucking crimes, he distracts us from the task at hand!" Sapnap yelled, Fire sparking at his hands out of anger. "And very self-absorbed. He's a fucking self-absorbed, self-entitled hero, and overall asshole." Dream went on about the flaws of the male, sighing. "Definitely not working with him.." NotFound whispered to Sapnap, laughing a bit.

"You seem interesting, want to get coffee sometime?" NotFound smiled, and Dream knew he couldn't really decline. "Seeing as your the two top hero's, and could technically get me filed as a villain if I didn't, sure." Dream laughed a bit, meaning it as pure jokes. "Great! How about tomorrow at 10?" Wow was this guy social. Extrovert vibes, anyone?

"Sure..?" Dream mumbled, confused as to why he had final decision. "Alrighty! Well, I'm George!
Sorry for any inconveniences we caused!" Both males walked off and Dream immediately slammed his own door, clenching his fists. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" He yelled to himself, before realizing he had scared Patches. He sighed, unclenching his fists. "Sorry, Patches.. I didn't mean to spook you." He apologized to the cat, picking her up and gently petting her. He was so gentle with her.

Yet to others, he acted very antisocial until he knew them closely. At first glance, he was an ass, but once you get to know him, he's rather nice. He just sat down on the couch, keeping Patches in his arms. "Let's watch something else.." He mumbled, his words barely audible as he changed the channel.

The day went by quickly, mainly just watching TV or eating. That was his usual weekend, though. The next day rolled around and he found himself awake at 9, throwing on another green sweater and more slacks. (I swear this man needs new clothes-) He groaned, dragging himself to the bathroom and brushing his teeth. Usually he did it at night, but today he was meeting "hero's" so why not brush in the morning as well. Plus, there wasn't much else to do. He checked his phone, noticed a couple messages.

Unknown number
hey! Its me, George! I hope this doesn't sound wierd but I went through the files and found ur number.

I never mentoned what coffee shop. Did I? How about the one on the corner, 'Brew aday' a friend of my works tere

You might like him ;)

Dream rolled his eyes, turning off the phone after reading the messages. This guy was kinda creepy. Did he magically know Dream was bi? Or did he assume? Who knows. He misspelled things as well, meaning either he's in a rush with texts, or doesn't check spelling. Either would make sense. But he didn't have time to think about that, he had cat to feed and a breakfast to make and eat.

Instead of going all out like usual Sunday breakfast, he just made some Oatmeal. "I can't believe I'm doing this.." Dream murmured to himself as he left the house, deciding to drive after the last incident. It was a very short drive, but still. He almost immediately noticed George, who was of course out of costume. As he sat at the table with him looks were sent their way. Of course they were. But that was when Dream noticed another at the table, a demon? "Hi." Dream sighed, talking wasn't his strong suit. "I'm Bad! George told me about you and said 'The More The Merrier'. I didn't really know how to decline.." He laughed, looking at George who had a smile upon his face.

"Oh. Well uhm.. Not to be rude- But why exactly did you ask to hangout over coffee??" The question was lingering in Dream's mind since George asked him, so of course he asked the question. "Honestly.. I'd love to hear more about what happened with that vigilante! Any details help. I could tell you really just summed it up yesterday. And Bad is just a witness, to make sure neither of us make things up when explaining!" George laughed a bit, still smiling.

How the hell was he so outgoing? How the hell was he so happy? How the hell did he keep smiling?!? So many damn questions. "Honestly.. I saw the whole scene with that nameless villain.. I ignored it and just went into a store for groceries." Dream sighed, stopping for breath.

"He ran into me, literally. He knocked my groceries out of my hands, and my phone. I told him to fuck off and tried to grab my items, but he already had the groceries. I finally lost him at the registers but when I walked out, he found me again. He kept calling himself my idol and acting as if he were #1 hero. So I had enough and yelled at him to fuck off." Dream looked as the two stared, trying to make sure all details were correct.

"I get why you called him Self-absorbed.." Bad mumbled to George, causing the Brit some laughter. "Yeah. Pretty clear he's not a real hero. We're taught not to brag immediately. Maybe that's why he doesn't have a liscene!" George was joking, of course. There were always more than one reason behind not getting a hero liscene. Maybe his parents were part of the hero-rebellion and taught him those ways. Who knows.

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