Lovely Morning

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It was around 12 as Dream arrived home. It was a pretty good day, not many calls, and lots of small talk. As he came in, he noticed Patches asleep on the couch. "So cute.." He mumbled to himself, grabbing her off the couch.

He carried her to the bedroom with him, kicking off his shoes and lying in bed with her. It was what he did every night after work. Like usual, he had already eaten lunch and dinner at work. The majority of the week was all the same, until Friday rolled around. He was now completely out of cat treats and running low on food.

As he went to change, he noticed a new message as he unlocked his phone. It was from Puffy, and it was some images. He looked through them, eyes wide. It was a hero liscene! It read "Captain" and had "Sea Guard" underneath. Next was a photo of her hero costume. (Which looks fucking good)

It looked as if a pirate costume. Pirate hat and all, red white and brown throughout the design. And the smile she wore in the photo.. She was so happy. And not the 'happy' smile she wore to work, a real smile. Dream smiled at the photo, just like her fake ones, the smile made others smile.

Dream quickly texted back, "You deserve it" and turned off his phone, putting it in his pocket. He walked back out into the living room/kitchen area, checking Patched food and water before replacing it. "Be good Patches!" He called, walking out. Usually he'd drive, but it was nice out and spring was finally coming around. Today he was wearing another green sweatshirt and more sweats. (Does he even own anything else?)

He took the elevator downstairs, because it may be a good day for a walk, but not a walk down 4 flights of stairs. He stretched his arms in the elevator, always enjoying the privacy there during the mornings. As the elevator dinged, he exited and walked outside into the cold. He smiled feeling the wind and noticed the beginning of the bloom of flowers.

The starts of new leaves were also highly visible, walking through the city. He was in a rather busy part of town, and while it was very close to a plaza, they still made sure to add many trees and gardening. It was a lovely scenery. Even the buildings were all a matching aesthetic of white and pastel colors. Even the alleyways weren't too dull.

Dream smiled as he enjoyed the scenery, the scent of fresh pies coming from the local bakery. He usually stopped by there on his way home from getting groceries, which he's probably do today as well. The bakery sold more than just pies, of course. There was bread, cakes, pies, and donuts. The worker there was also sweet, as well.

Dream's smile grew just thinking of it. This was his hometown, and it was filled with memories for him. Many were positive, of course, though still there were a few bad memories lingering. At the moment though, they were far from his mind. He could only think of the peace surrounding him.

..Though that peace quickly faded as he turned the corner, watching as the hero "NotFound" fought with a member of "SBI". One of the most famous hero's with one of the most famous villains. "SAPNAP! NOW!" The male could be heard yelling, as fire surrounded the fighting. An invisible male set on fire could be seen running. That was, until lasers attacked the male. The invisibility wore off, as did the fire. A male with brown hair and a white streak.

He was the nameless villain. And "BigInnit" just caught him. Of course, it wasn't confirmed on who it was until he jumped down, grinning for the few cameras around. He had golden blonde hair, and blue eyes. One of the few vigilantes to show his face. "Relaxxx! I just gave you the day off, you should thank me!" The male taunted the hero's, before running off as cops came around. Dream just watched. The hero got up & immediately ran.

"DAMNIT!" Sapnap could be heard yelling, before him and NotFound ran after the two separate runners. NotFound after BigInnit, and Sapnap after nameless. Dream just sighed, before continuing on his walk with hands in pockets. None of it really mattered for him, he was powerless, and therefore this whole superpower world was just left in the comics for him.

He passed by where the fire once was, ignoring how the power worked or any effect it may have left. He simply walked into the grocery store, opening his phone and pulling up the shopping list. It wasn't many items, cat treats and a few food items. Simple enough.

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