You sure?

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  After the little 'meeting' had happened, Dream and George met up. George had walked there, and he said he would be heading to the doctors.

  Dream refused to let him walk that distance, so he told George he'd give him a ride.

Now to the current situation, Dream driving with a blush on his face, and George sitting there with a blush on his face.

"So uhm- last night.." Dream started, getting a little squeak-like sound from George. "Y- Yeah.. What about it?" George asked, sounding defensive.

  "..Were they right?" Dream just popped the question, as George's eyes widened, blush growing. "..WHAT?! YOU ACTUALLY BELIEVE THEM BU-"

"No, I'm asking because uh.." Dream sighed, cursing himself under his breathe. "I might sorta be feeling that way.." Dream sighed, staring at George who only got redder by the second.

  "..Well if you sorta wanted an answer, I guess I sorta feel the sorta same way.." George sighed, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh." Dream mumbled, driving quietly the rest of the way there. "So uhm, how do you know the way?" George asked, trying to change the subject.

  "Hm? Oh, I go to the same doctor.." Dream answered. "Why are you going, anyway?" Dream asked, eyes glued to the road.

"Oh, I'm checking for powers." "Huh? But you already know you have powers-" Drean was thoroughly confused, as George laughed.

  "Sometimes people can get multiple powers, or their powers don't come in until later on." George explained, as Dream froze.

  "Wait- So.. Theoretically! I mean! Right, uh, if the last time I checked for powers.. I was 16, and I didn't have any- I Theoretically could have powers?" Dream asked, laughing nervously.

  "WAIT, YOU HAVENT CHECKED FOR POWERS SINCE YOU WERE 16?! Dream you have to check for powers! I'm sure the doctor wouldn't mind-" "No, no, NO! George, I'm not hero material. Even if I had powers, it wouldn't matter." Dream sighed, parking the car.

  "You sure?" George asked sadly, unbuckling his seat belt. "Yeah, I'm sure." Dream sighed, watching as George exited the car. He wasn't so sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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