Holy sh-

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Warnings: mentions of mental issues, family issues, deaths, planned assasinations, black net, and etc.

"A young lady was attacked by the nameless villain. The information she gave was his name to be Wilbur, and they had dated. This young lady is Niki, better known as Nihachu. The vigilante BigInnit helped with the pursuit of this nameless villain, as did NotFound, Skeppy, Sapnap, and BadBoyHalo was known to protect and calm down the victim of this assault." Dream stared of the Television with eyes wide. He couldn't believe what he watched and heard.

"BigInnit has as well shown interest in becoming a hero since the incident this morning. It was recorded he had asked one of the hero's of the requirements for a hero liscene. Many are excited to hear this information, while others are worried he'd be too much of a distraction." Dream sighed, putting on his shoes and petting Patches on the head. He did everything he needed earlier, wanting to get an early start.

Bad called him at around 1, explaining everything to him. The group planned on getting together and hanging out, as Niki got the day off. He felt awful for the girl, and was a bit taken aback the hero's were able to get time off. But nevertheless, he got into his car and made his way to the destination given. As he drove towards the area, he realized he hadn't been to this side of the city in years, it was closer to the park, which he almost never visited.

He parked quickly, walking towards the door of the house, and knocking. "One moment!" Dream could hear a voice on the other side, one he didn't quite recognize. "Oh." As the door was opened a male stepped out, looking at Dream. "Are you here for Niki? What did she say the name was.. Dream! Dream, right?" He asked, seeming am happy with himself for remembering the name. "Yeah." Dream mumbled to himself, before the male went on. "I'm Jack.. Makes me happy to know her friends care." He smiled, stepping aside as Dream stepped in.

He looked around, noticing a few of them in the living room. Karl, Quackity, George, and Bad, to be exact. "Hey.. So uh.. What the FUCK happened this morning?" He asked, sitting down next to George. "A- A lot.." Niki said. Dream was a bit surprised there was no reaction from Bad, but didn't mention it.

"At-" Dream sighed, putting on a soft smile. "At least your okay." He held Niki's hand gently. The two weren't too close, but they'd consider themselves friends. "After what that asshole did to Niki.. And he just tries to act like nothing fucking happened?! FUCKING WILBUR!" Quackity mumbled to himself, yelling the last part as small wings in his back puffed up.

A hybrid. Of course, no wonder the scar on his eye seemed painless. Hybrids were known to handle more pain than humans or those with powers. But then again, as many became villains or vigilantes, not many trusted hybrids.

"He- He- He's not good in the head.. I- I know.." Niki stumbled over worlds, staring at her coffee table. The room was rather cottagecore. Shelves full of plants and picture frames, wooden framed furniture, potted plants in the corners, pictures all around the room. "I'm sorry if it's rude to ask but- Could you maybe explain the situation..?" Dream shyly asked, clearly confused. "Oh, right.." George mumbled to himself, looking around. "Who wants to start?"

"I- I should.. It's my story to tell, Afterall." Niki smiled a bit, slightly letting out a laugh. "Well.. I was around 18. Wilbur went to school with mesince we were around 6.. He- He told me to meet him after school one day. So- I did. He.. He told me he loved me. Of course, I didn't know what to say! No one had ever said that to me- And.. I guess, we just started dating.."

She sighed, knowing the bad part was coming. "A year passed, and he kept being secretive.. He developed separation and anger issues. He'd yell at me for talking to guys without him there.. But, I ignored it and decided to share an apartment with him. But then he locked me in one day- Gods I remember it so clearly.. I tried to leave, and the door was locked from the outside. I tried to open it, tried to unlock it- Nothing. So I texted him, knowing he was out. And he called me, yelling at me for trying to leave." She was shaking now, and Jack came over, handing her tea which she thanked him for.

"When he got home- He grabbed-" She stopped, a tear rolling down her face. "A knife.. He- He left.. An ugly scar- On my side.. I- I- I was begging him, to stop, to leave me be, I just didn't want to get hurt.. But he wouldn't-" She took in heavy breaths. "HE JUST WOULDN'T LISTEN!" She yelled, almost dropping her mug of tea. "He.. Was so possessive- So one night.. I snuck out. I broke up with him over call- And moved. I moved here.. With Jack, I've known him all my life. Even when Wilbur tried to make me stop contacting him- I refused. That was about the time I started Culinary school..."

She looked proud as she said that, smiling over to Jack, who smiled back. "Then, a few months passed. He tracked me down, and threatened me. He said.. If I .. EVER.. left again- He'd plan an assassination, and.. And make sure I didn't get away. He tried to get me to move out-" Jack cut her off, starting his part of the story. "I didn't let her. I knew what Wilbur has done, was doing, and what he threatened to do. I'm fact, I knew even more than Niki did at the time. I knew about his family, how he was a hybrid- A villain.. I knew a lot. But for fear of Niki- I never said a thing."

Niki nodded, and Jack continued. "One day- She was out at Culinary school. Wilbur came over. I didn't really have a choice, so I invited him in. He immediately went Invisible, trying to attack me. So.. I used my fire powers back. At least- Tried to. I just couldn't. I realized quickly their was a power border. I'd been on the black net a few times- I saw the assassinations.. One in particular, he'd done it for years. Border manipulation, Callahan. I tried to talk to Wilbur, I even told him I'd make sure Niki was safe- I'd talk to her less- I'd even let him move in. He didn't fucking care.. He want me dead."

Niki stared at him, she'd heard it time and time again but it always made her upset. Dream stayed silent, eyes wide as he stared at the coffee table, trying to process the information. "Niki came home, crying as she saw it. Wilbur grabbed a knife- But.. Before anything happened, BigInnit, or, his younger brother, Tommy.. Ran in, fighting him. He managed to get him out, and I just stared. I remember coughing out blood for months after that-"

"WAIT- BIGINNIT IS THE BROTHER OF A VILLAIN? WHAT THE F-" George covered his hand with one mouth, using another to create a shushing motion. "Shut up, Dream! There's a reason he keeps it secret!" George whisper-yelled, as Niki continued. "I finally thought it was over- I got a restraining order and all, Tommy went around this part more than any other part of the city.. But I guess he saw me this morning- I swear I almost had a panic attack." Niki sighed, placing her finished tea on the coffee table. "Wow.. You've- Gone through a lot.. I'm so sorry- I never- I never even knew-" Dream stared at the girl in front of him, and then at Jack. "You sound like a hero.."

Both Jack and Niki smiled, laughing a bit. "Niki is like my sister- I'd do anything to protect her, that's all." Niki nodded. "I'm still alive because of the people here- Not myself.. Thank you, all.." She smiled, and the majority smiled back. "I'm so sorry your went through that, still." Karl said, putting on the same gentle smile Niki wore.

"You're all too nice.." Niki mumbled to herself, smiling. "Others just treat you how you've treated them." Jack said, grinning. Everything seemed rather light hearted, which was a huge difference from the story Niki and Jack both just told Dream. But none the less, he pulled off a fake smile as well.

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