Grocery shopping

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As Dream entered the store he could see how they all just stared out at the remains of what happened. Once again, as a reminder, Dream didn't give a fuck. Really, he didn't. He simply walked through the isles with his phone pulled up to a grocery list.

Cat treats, eggs, milk, cereal, & Coke. Though he figured he could go without Coke for now. (He always pushed it off, in the end he hadn't had coke for around 4 months at this point). As he finally gathered all the items, he was heading towards the registers. This caused him to run into someone. Or rather someone else, very literally, RAN into him.

Dream had been knocked to the floor, his phone and all his groceries were on the floor as well. "Fuck.. Sorry 'bout that! Want some help?" The male smiled brightly, though as Dream recognized him he stumbled back a bit on the ground. BigInnit. That know-it-all fucker vigilante. "Get the fuck away from me.." Dream snarled, not wanting to get included in this bullshit.

He helped himself up, grabbing his phone and looking for the groceries, only to find the vigilante already had them. "Relax, bud. I'm not a bad guy, you know!" He laughed, handing the groceries to Dream and half-hugging him as if they were old pals.

"It's rude to tell helpful people to fuck off. Kind of a dick move. You know, I like your hood. I think I'll call you.. Green boy. Like the nickname? Oh, of course you do. A practical hero just gave you a nickname! Wow, you're so lucky!" The boy just went though on and on before Dream walked off, finally reaching the registers and paying for the groceries.

"Oh come on! Don't ignore me, green boy!" The vigilante kept annoying Dream. "JUST FUCK OFF!" Dream finally yelled, causing attention to the two. Luckily, the hero 'BadBoyHalo' just happened to be right there. "GEORGE! SAPNAP! ITS THAT VIGILANTE!" He yelled, causing the vigilante to look at Dream with a look of betrayal.

His blue eyes were glowing as anger bubbles up, but he shook his head to stop himself. "Fuck you!" He called to Dream as he ran off, though Dream simply rolled his eyes. He didn't care, really. Dream watched as they caught the vigilante, eyes wide.

HE got him caught! Dream! "Skeppy, get him to the station! I can only hold him like this for so long!" NotFound could be heard yelling. He was using his telekinesis to hold the vigilante in the air.

And just as it seemed they caught him, villains invaded. "AYE! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Tommy yelled as "The Crow" grabbed him from NotFound's grip and flew him off. Fuck. Well, once again Dream was useless. "PUT ME DOWN MORON!" The Vigilante was still screaming as The Crow carried him.

It made sense, of course. The crow was practically known as the leader of SBI. And a villain carrying a vigilante? Dangerous for the vigilante, and the hero world. Vigilante's didn't have a hero liscene or a permit to use there powers. Which made them famously known for being easily persuaded to the villains side.

But just as always, Dream walked off. He could watch the news report about it later. He was heading towards the bakery, as usual. He heard the bell ring as he entered, the woman working immediately recognized him with a smile. "Hey Dream! They were live streaming the whole thing! I can't believe you almost got that vigilante caught!" She laughed, her laugh was sweeter than the honey she sold.

"Yeah. He just.. Pisses me off, I guess. He kept going on and on about it how he must be my.. 'idol' or some shit. He's just so fucking self-absorbed." Dream sighed, walking to the counter. "Yeah, he seems like he'd be a bit self-absorbed.. He does have hero potential though, you can't deny that!" She giggled, earning a smile from Dream. "Yeah. I guess I can't.. Can I get the usual?" Both of the two wore smiles, even as Niki grabbed the donut for him she still managed a smile.

"Here you go! Raspberry bliss!" She laughed, handing him the sweet on a napkin. "Thanks Niki, here's the money." He handed her a 50, getting a gasp out of her. "Dream it's not even $20-" "it's a tip. You deserve it." He smiled, walking out as he ate the donut. The walk back home wasn't long, and he smiled at the sight of Patches running towards him.

"I got you some new treats!" He laughed, putting the groceries away. "I think you'll like them.." he went on, grabbing the treat bag from the grocery bag. "I ran into that vigilante, BigInnit. He's just as self-absorbed as I imagined." He kept going on as he gave her the treat. A quiet meow shut him up. "You okay, girl?" The meow was one of pain, which confused Dream clearly.

He fed her organic treats, and took her to the vet monthly. Maybe he should take her again. She left out another meow, and he sighed. "I'll try and get you an appointment tomorrow.." He walked to the other room, but stopped as he heard gagging. He turned around, watching as Patches threw up a giant hair ball. "PATCHES!" He yelled, groaning.

"At least you feel better..?" Dream hoped, earning a happy meow from the cat. "Patches you will be the death of me.." Dream laughed, grabbing the hair all off the ground with disgust. He rushed over to the trash can, throwing it in.

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