Trying to sleep.

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Before Dream knew it, Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours, and he was back at home lying in his bed. But just as he was ready to sleep, an alert went off.

'Gay guys'
??1: who tf did you add
George: the Dream guy I told u abt
??2: Oh! He was a really sweet muffin head
??3: He gives good tips
Dream: Uh wtf is going on?
George: I add you to a group chat
Guys introduce yourselves
??2: It's me, Bad! From earlier!
??4: I'm Skeppy, the cool one. Sup
??1: I'm Sapnap. I was with George the
first day.
??3: I'm Karl, your waiter from earlier :3
??5: Sup I'm Quackity
Niki: Oh you guys met Dream ??

Dream quickly added their contacts, saving the names. Wait, Niki was there?

'Gay Guys'
Dream: Niki??
Karl: Her and I went to culinary school
Niki: and put it on the records that I got
better grades
Sapnap: Karl tastes sweeter
Niki: you mean his deserts??
Sapnap: nope
Quackity: I can confirm Sapnap's words
Karl: guysssss!
Skeppy: be gay on your own time
George: let's start a call!
Dream: it's like 10PM

Dream's words meant nothing ultimately as the call was started. He sighed, but nonetheless joined.

"Dream! Turn on your camera, pleaseee" George already had his on, as did the others. "Uh- I'm in bed.. I'm going to look ugly as fuck.." Dream mumbled, getting a shout from Bad. "LANGUAGE!" He yelled, looking irritated on camera as well. Dream couldn't help but laugh (well- Wheeze) "w- What..?!" "Don't curse!" Bad exclaimed, crossing his arms on camera. "Shit." Skeppy said, a challenging tone apparent.

"LANGUAGE!" Bad yelled again, his face slightly red. At this moment Dream actually focused on the people in call, looking at them. Skeppy's skin was a glowing light blue, as if- a diamond. His hair was black and messy. George's eyes were now visible, one brown and the other blue. Sapnap looked the same. As did Karl. Bad was wearing PJ's, but that was about the only difference. "One second." Skeppy mumbled, turning off his camera and muting.

Dream continued looking over the people in the call. Next was Quackity, who had black hair (same shade and color as Sapnap's) and a glass eye with a scar over it. It looked painful, though he was laughing. "FUCK!" The word echoed over both Skeppy and Bad's phone's, and Skeppy appeared on Bad's screen, grinning at the Demon got up and started tackling Skeppy.

"LANGUAGE!!" He yelled, both of them starting to fight. "Why can't you two just be a loving couple? Like Quackity and Karl, or Sapnap and Karl. Or both." Niki asked, giggling as Karl blushed and the two males started to argue. "Yeah be like me and Karl, we're the better part of this couple." Sapnap bragged, getting an insert from Quackity. "Yeah but I rail him better!" Dream started wheezing at this, causing the rest of the call to go silent at the new sound.

"Dream did you leave a kettle running?!" George asked, jokingly. "Nah man, that's his fire alarm." Quackity chimed in. "No, it's so obvious." Bad started. "Yeah, he's glitching." Skeppy finished, as the whole group laughed. Dream just kept wheezing, coughing from loss of breathe. "Holy shit- I haven't laughed that much in YEARS!" Dream admitted, grabbing his water bottle from the nightstand next to him. "You'll get used to it with them!" Niki joked, smiling. That was when Dream finally looked over to her camera, seeing her loose and dirty hair. (Sounds hot but in a totally pansexual and poly way -Yours truly)

"Niki you forgot to mention something." Bad told her, causing confusion. "What do you mean?" "You forgot to say language to Dream!" He said, smiling. "Oh shit your right." Niki said, smirking. "LANGUAGE!" Bad yelled. "Yeah, sorry Bad. We feel super shitty for forgetting." Skeppy laughed, leaning onto the older male. "1." Bad started counting. "2." He continued. "BitchBoyHalo thinks he's can scare my by counting to 5-" "3." "Okay Bad I get it-" "4." Skeppy immediately started running, and a second later Bad got up and ran the same direction, screaming.

"He stepped on Bad's tail." The majority of the group agreed, only to hear Skeppy's end unmute. "I'm hiding in a cabinet- SEND HELP! You know the address!" Skeppy whisper-shouted. Though beyond that a psychotic laugh was heard. "SKEPPY WE ARENT PLAYING HIDE AND SEEK!" Bad yelled.

"I think it's my time to leave-" Dream spoke in a rather loud voice, hearing a gasp from Skeppy's end. "FOUND YOU-" Bad could be heard, before Skeppy was muted. "DREAM! WHAT DID YOU DO!" George yelled, jokingly, of course. "Uh.. Spoke?" Dream laughed, about to end the call. "WAITTTTT! Don't leaveeee" George groaned, doing puppy eyes to his camera. "What- You got a crush or something? Let the man leave." Sapnap said, causing a blush on George's face before he scrambled to turn off his camera.

"N- NO!" He shouted, sounding flustered. Dream as well was blushing, though he didn't need to turn off his camera as it already was off. Soon Bad returned to the view of his camera, smiling. "I'm back! Sorry about that, Skeppy can get annoying." Though it was hard to, it was possible to see the red spot in Bad's black tail where Skeppy stepped on it. "Baddd! I'm sorrryyyyy pleaseee!" Shouting could be heard, though Bad simply hummed as if nothing happened.

"Anything happen while I was gone??" Bad asked, ignoring the constant screams and yells of Skeppy in the background. "We found out George is one hundred percent crushing on Dream." Karl laughed, grinning. "No way in hell, George is the #1 hero and I'm a nobody who was on the news." Dream put it simply, rolling his eyes though no one saw.

"You're a someone to me." George mumbled, causing Dream to blush more. "What was that, Georgie?" Dream decided to pretend he didn't hear, and tempt George. As Dream's blush was hidden, so was George's. George's blush, of course, grew at the nickname. "N- Nothing!" "Okay Georgie." "I understand the group chat name now.." Niki said, laughing. At that point Dream left the call, slammed his phone on his nightstand, and forced himself to fall asleep.

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