Sweeter than a treat

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Warnings: References to depression, anxiety, and abusive relationships.

Niki was smiling as everyone left the call, it was around 12 and everyone had work tomorrow. She sighed as she turned off her phone, putting it on the nightstand and getting up. "Jack! I'm going out for a late night walk!" She yelled out to her roommate, grabbing her jacket.

"What? But it's late out, Niki. It's dangerous." He walked over, crossing his arms as if he were her father. "Oh come on Jack, I'm a grown woman." She smiled, that infectious fake smile no one ever realized was fake. "Just.. Be careful! Where's your phone?? Pepper spray?? Taser??" She laughed, sighing. "Jack I'm leaving my phone, it's just to the park and back. My pepper spray is in the right pocket, taser in the left." She showed him just to prove she wasn't lying, and he sighed. "Alright.." He opened the door for her, waving goodbye.

She waved back, before the door shut and her smile fell. Times like this she was finally alone and finally free to let out her emotions. There were many days she found herself crying on her walks, or screaming out into the empty streets. Most of the time it was closer to morning when she went on these walks, but any time when she was alone was a good time.

"Niki, is that you?" She spun around to the voice, gripping the taser in her hand shakily. The male behind her laughed. "Oh come on, sweetheart. You weren't so scared last time we were together.. Now we're you? We dated! Why be so scared?!" It was Wilbur, the one person Niki could never forgive. "G- Go- Go away, Wil!" She yelled, gripping the taser tighter as she took steps back, her breathing was already uneven.

"Niki, you're going to have a panic attack. Calm down, love.. I won't hurt you." He folded his hands, staying where he was. The pet names made her cry, she hated pet names because of him. Even the smallest nickname hurt her. All because of that monster. "Niki, just put the taser away and talk to me." He said, sighing. "Y- You- You'll hurt me! You'll hurt me!" She yelled, taking another step back.

He laughed for a moment, his eyes flashing a dangerous red. "Why'd I do that.. Love?" His voice was as venomous as a snake. He knew what he was doing, as did she. But unfortunately for him, she knew this street. "G- GEORGE! SAP- SAPNAP! BAD! SKEPPY- SOMEONE!!!" She knew they all lived near here, and they'd know her voice.

It took less than a minute for someone to be in front of her, another grabbing her arm and teleporting her away. "Niki! You muffinhead, what happened?!" Bad asked worriedly, hugging her. "W- Wilbur- He- He- He-" She couldn't speak and started to hyperventilate. "Easy, Niki, easy.. Calm down.." Bad spoke so softly, rubbing circled in her back. "Breathe in.. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, hold, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, exhale, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, repeat.." He spoke so softly, as she listened to his words.

"How come you attack me when you count to 5, but you help her when you count to 5?" Skeppy joked, getting a small giggled from Niki. "Because she doesn't step on my tail." Bad huffed, smiling. "Just because I haven't doesn't mean I won't.." Niki mumbled, moving her foot near his tail. Though, he quickly moved his tail. He fake-gasped, "You wouldn't!" She grinned, letting go of the hug. "Oh, but wouldn't I?" Skeppy snickered, "Count me in!" He teleported to Bad, stepping on his tail, and then teleporting away. Niki laughed, watching the demon's face turn red.

"SKEPPPPYYYY!" He yelled, clenching his fists. "SKEPPY! GET HERE NOW!" Sapnap's voice could be heard, and Niki realized she was at Bad and Skeppy's apartment, which was just above where she was just at. She watched as Skeppy appeared, noticing that they caught Wilbur, who was indeed wearing his villain outfit. "LET GO OF ME, I DID NOTHING! NIKI, TELL THEM! TELL THEM BITCH!" He yelled, trying to get out of Sapnap's grip.

Niki hid behind Bad again, shaking and clinging to his pj's (oversized shirt and pants). "P- Please.. Please Bad.. Please keep him aw- Away from me.." She begged, clinging to him more. "Of course, Niki.." Bad felt awful for the girl, being one of the few who knew the truth. "HES GETTING AWAY!!" A shout was heard, and Skeppy immediately grabbed Niki and Bad. "WE NEED TO GO!" He yelled, as the window was broken. "NIKI! Come on now, Love!! JUST COME WITH ME!" Wilbur had the same insane grin on his face as the last time she saw him.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE GIRL!" BigInnit yelled, grabbing Wilbur by the back of his shirt and throwing him down the second story window. He bowed his head towards Niki before running towards the male again. Skeppy quickly grabbing Niki's arm and teleported her to her apartment, hugging her before teleporting away. She panted for a moment, before collapsing onto her bed. She was so glad he got her straight to the room. But, Jack immediately threw the door open, grabbing her and hugging her tightly.

"George texted me about it all- Are you okay?! Wilbur isn't here is h-" She just hugged back, letting a tear fall. "I'm fine.." She smiled weakly, gripping his shirt. "I never want to see him again.." She mumbled, though he didn't notice. No one did. No one ever had, and no one ever would.

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